Bug Playing movie by tapping background?
If this is a feature, I apologize in advacne.

I find that when I have a poster view with details showing in Titan, and a rotating background enabled, if I accidentally touch the screen between the posters (e.g.: trying to touch a poster but being off by a little bit), it will play the movie. This has happened on multiple occassions on a Microsoft Surface Pro.


Tired Dad
That could be true as a left click (or single tap) is the same as pressing the enter/ok button so it will select the currently selected item. I'm not sure if that can even be disabled.
(2016-01-18, 23:54)marcelveldt Wrote: That could be true as a left click (or single tap) is the same as pressing the enter/ok button so it will select the currently selected item. I'm not sure if that can even be disabled.

So, if I am understanding you, ten posters could be on the screen, and the background is displayed for the selected item; as one moves around the screen, the background changes to reflect that section. Clicking on the background is the same as "OK", so it plays that movie?

If I change the default action to "movie information" instead of "play", I noticed that tapping the screen also chooses play (I guess the play button is highlighted).


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Playing movie by tapping background?0