v17 Artwork Beef - automatically add extended artwork

Hi again!

I figured out my issue actually, like perfectly what happens. TVDB scraper ALWAYS scrapes thumbs to newly added shows. This is where Artwork Beef doesn't handle it no matter what I do. If I go and kill my thumbs folder and db, Artwork Beef (Or Kodi) will just scrape the images from the file. I can go into Artwork Beef AFTER TVDB scrapes a newly added show and do "Replace missing artwork" how ever, this will ONLY work on episode basis. This means that I have to go through all of the show's episodes one by one and do "Add missing artwork" The TVDB thumb will then be replaced of the file thumb.

I don't know if this helps. I don't see how I can stop TVDB from scraping it's silly low res thumbs when it finds new shows. 

And honestly if I could just disable that one function, I wouldn't even need Artwork Beef to do "Add missing artwork". 

I'll try the "thumb" addition in the add-ons settings for now. I appreciate any solution that will work. I really don't mind. Big Grin Just wanted to ask. I'll give it a go!

EDIT: It works! Yay! Thanks so much I really appreciate that. I was going crazy from having to delete the thumbs every time I got a new show.

Hey question, would Artwork Beef be able to "touch" the files? I use the "AURA" skin and it has "Newly added episodes" as a feature in the skin and the skin then displays the episode thumb. I don't know if you're familiar with the skin but I can show you some images? Basically all files will have an empty thumb regardless of TVDB or Kodi scraping because Kodi hasn't "looked" at the file yet. I know this is a limitation of Kodi so I was wondering if there would be any option to "touch" the file while it's being scraped by Artwork Beef, just so that Kodi is forced to generate a thumbnail in the process? That would be really cool. I understand if an add-on can't do this either. My programming skills are extremely limited, I was just wondering about it as it would really help out in presenting the skin nicely with thumbs instead of having to go into the show to get the thumbs generated.

Thanks and sorry for the wall of text. Smile

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