v16 Sound disappearing after screen shut-off - does not come back
I've been experiencing this for a long time. Currently I'm on the latest Jarvis build.

My setup is as such:
Windows 10 (problem also present on 8 and 7) HTPC
connected to
Pioneer Elite VSX-52 7.1 channel AVR via HDMI
connected to
Samsung TV via HDMI

Kodi set to use WASAPI passthrough (allows me to support more formats, and is supposed to be newer/better?)

If the TV shuts off due to inactivity, sometimes I will no longer be able to get audio playback afterwards. That is, the menu sounds work, windows sounds work, but no media player will be able to get audio playback. The receiver does not detect any input it seems. Normally my receiver defaults to STEREO, and will display whatever format it is receiving in passthrough (DTS/Dolby TrueHD/AC3/etc). It will just stay on stereo until I reboot.

It seems like the audio device is no longer able to be acquired.

Has anyone experienced this? can anyone provide any insight or tips? Much appreciated!
I sometimes have to close Kodi and kill the process via task manager to regain audio if i get a suspend happening but im not sure your problem is related as you mentioned any media player.
Closing and restarting kodi alone does not helpSad. Tried it already hehe.
Worth a mention sorry
I appreciate it.
What is your setting for "keep audio device alive" under Settings/System/Audio
Nvidia ShieldTV (2017)+Nexus
Using CEC; closing the TV will usually switch the display and audio back to the PC default if it's available. Turning the TV back on again, would need some acknowledgement to the PC through your AVR that's it's back. CEC (wiki) might be of service in this situation.
Keep alive is set to 0 already in an attempt to battle this.

PatK, that's really interesting! But I'm not sure how it could be a solution. This seems to be an avenue for the PC to send commands to Kodi. Kodi is still set to use the WASAPI device.
Once the TV handshake isn't there, the Waspi defaults to direct, the CEC device is needed if you want the TV to reconnect. Otherwise perhaps a pin 19 trick might work, not sure because you are running through the AVR. When the sound doesn't come back; If you look at settings>system>audio you will see it's no longer waspi and if you change it at that point to waspi the sound should come back.Displays (wiki)

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Sound disappearing after screen shut-off - does not come back1