Adding a new disk (newbie linux questions)
I have a very limited experience with Linux. I can navigate the filesystem and edit files with vi OK. But thats about it.

I have a HP microserver with HD5450.
Its running Kodi just fine so far.
I plan to have Kodibuntu installed on an SSD and then another HDD for storing the media.
The long term goal is to have it replace my bluray player and my NAS in an All in one solution.

So I'm looking for help on how to do this.
By default the media directory will be on my SSD. /home/user/Tv Shows etc.....
How would you recommend I use the HDD?

- Could I create symbolic links in the SSD media directories pointing to the HDD?
- Can I somehow configure it so the linux filesystem points /home/user to the new HDD instead of the SSD?
- Is there some other means to achieve the same sort of result?

I appreciate any help and advice. Thanks in advance.
Some light reading to do to get you started:

I would recommend using the ext4 filesystem when formatting the drive.

I would also suggest you use the solid state drive for the operating system and programs and
the hard drive for the media.
Awesome. THank you very much!
You are welcome.

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Adding a new disk (newbie linux questions)0