Customized menues have disappeared after upgrade to jarvis
Hi forum,

I just upgraded from 15.2 to jarvis.
before upgrading I took a backup of C:\Users\tomph\AppData\Roaming\Kodi.
I have made some changes to the C:\Users\tomph\AppData\Roaming\Kodi\addons\skin.confluence\720p\IncludesHomeMenuItems.xml in order to create my own customized menus.
After upgdrading I copied the backup back into the correct location.
Everything in the userdata (sources etc) seems to work - however my costomized menues are gone.
Of course I have double checked that everything is where I expect it to be - and it is.

Any idea of what I am missing?

There is likely to be changes to the skin between 15.2 and 16. So instead of just copying your over version 15 skin on top you need to carefully compare the "IncludesHomeMenuItems.xml" file before and after and then reapply your changes to the updated v16 skin.

It could be as simple as something you were previously referring to has changed name.
Thank You - problem solved.

When giving it a thought, it seems logical that the skin has been updated as well.

Heres what I did:
- reinstall v16. - just to make sure that all files copied from my v15.2 was overwritten with the correct v16 version.
- did a file compare using winmerge and copied only my changes from the old IncludesHomeMenuItems.xml to the new one.

Thank You for the quick and helpful reply.
Excellent. Glad I could help. Smile

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Customized menues have disappeared after upgrade to jarvis0