v16 Bug: Recently added music videos does not contain recently added music videos
Using Jarvis final on windows 10. Music on NAS accessed through smb.

After I add a new music video the view "recently added music videos" does not contain the new video.

Also in in the "track view" music videos I can only sort by playcount, track, name, age rating (does that make sense for music videos?), year, artist and album. "Date added" is no sort option.

Here's a log of me adding a new music video to the library.

Per your log you don't have a dateadded entry in your advancedsettings, so it should be entered into the db using the file modified time. You need to check that on your files. You can create a new video node with content musicvideos and sort date added.

scott s.
I never had anything in my advancedsettings in that regard and I'm not sure that is the issue here. The "recently added music videos" view does not need a change in the advancedsettings iirc.
Crap. All good. The sorting is indeed by file date and not by date added to the library. My mistake.
Good. My point was there are 3 options on how the "date added" attribute gets set, so you need to know if you are using the default (file modified date) or an advancedsettings setting which can also use current date or file creation date. Then compare what's in the db vs what your file system says. There was a problem a ways back with Kodi not getting file modified date correctly from ntfs files. If you use nfo files that could be another way to set the date added attribute.

scott s.

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Bug: Recently added music videos does not contain recently added music videos0