Volume issues, Jarvis and Android 4.4.2
I am running Jarvis on an android TV box running 4.4.2.

I am experiencing volume issues with Kodi. When watching videos or playing music, the volume will randomly adjust (usually down, but occasionally up). In addition to this, the volume in Kodi is extremely low when compared to other apps. I am running HDMI to a receiver. When playing music/videos from other apps, having my receiver volume at 40 is usually loud enough to hear through the entire house. Through Kodi, the volume usually has to be around 55 just to be heard in the room it is in.

We have recently updated from XBMC Gotham to Jarvis, and we did have minor issues with Gotham adjusting the volume randomly (no problem with overall volume levels in Gotham), but it was infrequent enough that we could just live with it. Since the update to Jarvis, it happens every 3-5 minutes or so as well as being really quiet.

Any idea what could be causing this, and how to fix it?
Update: I found on the Kodi wiki why the volume was staying so low (Jarvis no longer controls system volume, while the remote I was using was only controlling system volume). So I can get it back to normal levels by pressing + and - on my keyboard, but this only half solves my issue; it still randomly adjusts the volume.
I am still experiencing the random volume fluctuation issue, if anyone has any ideas about this...

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Volume issues, Jarvis and Android 4.4.20