kodi 16.1 OSD "covers" lyrics?
Windows 10. Moved from 15.x to 16 to have easier control over music fanart (works great).
But. When using unsynchronized lyrics, there's the need to run the mouse down the lines and change pages for karaoke.
Unfortunately, that activates the OSD which appears to lay on top of the lyrics essentially making them inaccessible.

Is there a workaround or might I have changed some setting in the new version?
Try this: Open up the default "mouse.xml" file in Kodi/system/keymaps

You can see the format or read the keymap (wiki) but what you probably want to do is create a new section like this:


You can remove the other sections that aren't needed. Save the new mouse.xml in your userdata\keymaps folder (don't overwrite the default one -- this way if you update Kodi in the future your mod mouse.xml is left alone in your userdata).

scott s.
It didn't work but I discovered that I can use the keyboard to work with the lyrics.
If the lyrics display was the default top overlay it would be better.

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kodi 16.1 OSD "covers" lyrics?0