v16 Yahoo Weather data don't show up.!
Hi and thanks for this really nice forum.!!

I have a question about use of OSMC - KODI on Raspberry Pi.
I have installed KODI on my Raspberry Pi 2 and of course there is some trouble with different things with this,
but the main question is about showing weather on KODI.

I have added the Weather (add-on) for Yahoo Weather - and set the location for this in the settings.
But there is NO weather data showing up on the screen. (all with a yellow backslash over)

Are there anything else I need to do (activate) of settings in KODI to make this work.
(or does it have anything to do with the connection to internet).

To do a little check for myself here - I installed KODI on my Windows Laptop and set up exactly the same as I did
on my Raspberry Pi - and the weather data showed up at ONCE.!

Can anyone tell me what can be wrong....or what I need to do, to get this to work.??

Thanks in advance.!
I have recently been having problems with that addon too, after two years of using it. I switched to the open weather map addon and have not had a problem with it.
Hi Av3nged,

And thanks for reply to my post...
You know - I have tried that too - the open weather add-on - but with no result.
It is quite funny - cuz all the other add-ons are working well...

And when I installed KODI on my Windows laptop and run it exactly the same way - the Yahoo Weather is fully functional,
the weather data comes up immediately. Also when I 'update' - it's there at once.

I have a thought about something with the 'firewall' settings for the Raspberry - as I think through what happen when I installed KODI
on Windows. We get the warning about the firewall settings.
But that don't happen on the Raspberry Pi - when started up KODI.

It seems like the WAN side don't get the message about the settings for which add-on are used and also the position for the weather.!
What do you think about that..??

And how can we check if the settings for RPi is correct with regards to WAN (or more correctly - the firewall)..??

I am using the ready made OS for OSMC - KODI, and there is no possibility to e.g. enter 'raspi-config'. (no such command or file).

Any suggestions.. ? Blush

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Yahoo Weather data don't show up.!0