Newbie here, Files not visible on other devices?
New to Kodi, just installed it on my windows 7 PC, followed one of the you tube guides and installed recommended add ons for the repositories etc, added my video, music and picture files, the trouble is I cant see any of the files in the folders on my Samsung UHD TV, and my older Samsung semi smart TV upstairs, both see Kodi and the two of the folders ( music and video, but no pictures) but the folders are empty,
I have tried re configuring both windows shares and Kodi but nothing I have done so far has made any difference? my windows shares remain visible and playable.

I will add this is the second install of kodi (both Jarvis 16.0) and the first one I followed a slightly different guide and initially the files where visible to the TV, however I am pretty sure that all the add ons are the same, and the set up is also the same, what could I be doing wrong?

Making me feel stupid, as I suspect its something basic I have overlooked.
If you are adding local video files, pictures, music then you don't need any add-ons. So be careful with those YouTube videos as there are some very out of date and plain dodgy ones.

Basically all you need to do in KODI is...

Install KODI - just plain simple download from the links at the top of the page..
Go into SETTINGS and make sure that UPnP is turned on -

You should now have a simple KODI setup with local files shared around your home network. There is a lot of info in that WIKI and it is worth getting your head around the core KODI before diving into confusing add-ons.
That's more or less what I did, the only difference is that when I add the video/music/picture folder locations I don't ever get a set content window appear after the add source window, so I am guessing that is the problem, so why is that happening?
Okay... that is a little weird. So following this you get to step 5 and BROWSE to your path. You then give it a name. This bit works. But when you hit OK on that page nothing happens... you don't see Step 6. Is that correct?

What path do you see on the screen in Step 5?

May be time for a debug log. Startup a debug log, and then walk through the above steps. Maybe there will be something in the log that tells us why your path is being rejected.
Enabled debugging, and all I got was "alarm clock" nothing else when going through the adding files, and still no set content window,
would I be better of uninstalling and maybe try an earlier version, maybe isengard?
Post the debug log here so one of us can read it. Certainly no point in going back to an older version yet as this is going to be something specific to your computer.

You are not giving us enough clues as to your computer and its specific config. Hence the need to see a debug log.
Well not having much luck, I enabled debugging, and set a folder for screen shot, went through the adding videos/music, and same result, and got not log when I go to the folder.

So thought I would uninstall Jarvis and install isengard, so got through the same and find I get a set content window, but only on video, nothing when trying to add pics or music, to add to this no log either.

Thought I would check on my upstairs TV not so smart Samsung and the video files are there and viewable , but the only folders that show are video and music, same as the Samsung UHD set, but that one doesn't show any content at all, same goes for my desktop PC, only shows folders which are empty, just doesn't make any sense.
Rubbish !! Kodi always creates a debug log (wiki) if that setting is enabled. Either you are reticent to post it or you simply can't find it, but it'll be there.

No debug log (wiki) no issue !! Smile
Learning Linux the hard way !!
Well sorry for being a newbie to Kodi and not realising I needed to actually download an addon in order to actually properly record a log!

Anyway for those who actually want to help, here is the log,

I uninstalled Isengard and re downloaded Jarvis, and installed fresh, I downloaded the addon and recorded while I tried to repeat the process of adding pictures, video and music from my laptop, and just as before the only time I got the "set content" window was when adding the video files.

And as before when checking the TV all I get is the video folder which is empty, and this time the music folder was full and plays fine, but still no pictures folder, I will add that when adding the music files it did ask me if I wanted to add them to the play-list which I did so I presume this is why they now appear?
Please ignore Mr Grumpy... lots of problems are currently being caused by the Add-on Box Boys and mentions of YouTube can trigger flashbacks to pirate add-on headaches. Which I don't think yours is now we can see a log. It is only when you reveal your log that we can see that you are one of the nice guys. Smile

I have just followed the steps through on the music side, and have reproduced your fault. Sure enough, the scraper pages are missing. There is a BUG here that needs reporting. Hit Add Music... and it lets you add the path, fails to ask you about the scrapper, but still offers to scrape.

You can't even get to it via the Right Click to Edit the Source and set the scraper by Editing the Source details. I also can't Edit the Source of my old music entries. (Reproduced on 16.1 RC2)

The logs also show a lot of broken MP3 files \ broken tags not being read. This will also explain why some music is missing. (Especially having problems with some Candy Dulfer tracks)

So of your music seems chaotic. For more success you want to have a tweak of the folder layout. Music\Artist\album\tracks\ type layout. The scrapers are built around albums and not just piled up heaps of music. (Again, go read some of the wiki. The First Time User bits can be handy

When I test the Add Files... in Videos then that is still offering me the choice of sources correctly, but looking at your log I assume this is a different issue as I see in the logs lots of camcorder footage that has been skipped. To add stuff like this you have to start building up lots of NFO files by hand to describe the files for KODI to add the details.
Many thanks for taking the time to look at the logs, I certainly wouldn't be able to work out what was wrong, so is it a problem with the Kodi install and Windows, or something in the PC setup that stopping the video and pictures from being visible on my TV?

Part of my reason for wanting to get my head around Kodi, well at least to the point of being able to set it up and use it, is because I have ordered an android media box that also runs Kodi, so I need to try and get a handle on it, although its pre installed and shouldn't present the same problems as this has done...I hope.
I can tell you have multiple hassles in one here. So we'll deal with them all, but try and keep the issues separate.

The logs are not as scary as they look. Just ignore stuff that doesn't make sense. What you are looking for are the file and folder names of your videos and music files. From that you can tell what is being skipped. Have a look yourself and you'll see the Candy Dulfer \ Alainis Morrisette errors. This will then allow you to track those files down in your collection and fix them. Clean up the tags with something like mp3tag ( )

Now to your videos. What are these videos? Are we talking movies ripped from disks and therefore findable in IMDB and If yes, then the scrapers should be able to sort them out.

Or are the videos personal videos? If yes, then you only option is to start creating NFO files describing them. I can tell by looking in the logs that you have heaps of personal stuff in there. Scrapers can't do anything with that, so you either have to create lots of NFO files or just use file mode.

(Bizarre... I am on two threads this morning.... both same subject of adding personal videos to KODI using NFO files...)
Thanks! I will start taking a look at the errors and try and fix them, the video files where probably not the best to test with as they are mostly camcorder files, should be AVCHD, I have all my movies on my NAS so I will try adding them and see if "set content " window appears, didn't add them before as they are remote so thought it might cause even more problems.

At least the music files appear which is more than the video and pictures, it just doesn't make any sense that the pictures folder are the only folders that are not visible on the TV, yet within Kodi everything is there.

I will try adding the movies on the NAS to Kodi and see if that makes a difference, will run a log as I do it and see if that revels anything more, your patience is very much appreciated, as I know how often these seemingly simple questions are asked on forums, as I moderate a car forum.
Duh... brain failing. Need more coffee. There is no missing Music Scraper settings. Because the Music Scraper choices are all in the SYSTEM \ SETTINGS \ AUDIO section. (Read the wiki... especially the quick start guides...)

Your main problems at the moment is trying to do EVERYTHING in one hit. Slow down a bit and get more organised. It will then let you see the wood from the trees.

With the Video Scanning - yep. Go scan that NAS and see how it behaves. Then expect to do some tweaking of folder names. The Scraper can, by definition, only build up database entries for those items that are listed in the online databases. Hence it will be great on a movie library.

With your personal camcorder videos of Vulcans and Lancasters, then these are unique and wil have to be handled separately. You'll need to teach KODI what the files are, or just use File Manager to walk through them manually.

With both Movie and Video scraping - take note that parts of the logs are shown to you in the KODI GUI. Look a the far right hand side, under System, where it says Events. In here it is attempting to list the results from the confused scrapers.

Expect to kick this around a lot with a bit of trial and error to get everything cleanly setup for KODI. Once it is all sorted, it is worth it. Smile Be patient... take your time.
Tried again to add the movies from the NAS, they are in Kodi, but still no sign of them on my TV, took a log but cant make it out yet,

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Newbie here, Files not visible on other devices?0