problems updating Kodi mySQL to Jarvis
Top clearify.

The current database version I've been using is 93 (in my case a93)
And the client is attempting to upgrade to a99

The results in an array of errors and I have traced them as far as I can

upon first startup attempt the client creates the a99 database and successfully copies everything from the tables
it then halts on the error

SQL: [a99] The table does not exist
Query: CREATE INDEX ix_files ON files

This is because the view files does not exist (in fact no views exist)

Restarting kodi again results in a lot of column ADD that creates conflicts since the columns have already been added
I traced them by dropping the error column and restarting until I no longer received any errors on column adds

ALTER TABLE `a99`.`episode`
DROP COLUMN `userrating`;

ALTER TABLE `a99`.`movie`
DROP COLUMN `userrating`;

ALTER TABLE `a99`.`tvshow`
DROP COLUMN `userrating`;

ALTER TABLE `a99`.`musicvideo`
DROP COLUMN `userrating`;

ALTER TABLE `a99`.`sets`
DROP COLUMN `strOverview`;

ALTER TABLE `a99`.`seasons`

ALTER TABLE `a99`.`episode`
DROP COLUMN `idSeason`;

Doing this once again resulted in the error of creating index on the files view
So I copied in the views from the a93 version to resolve this. HOWEVER when kodi starts again the first thing it does is DROPPING ALL VIEWS, and thus is unable to create the index on the view it just deleted.

I've been working on this for 3 days now trying to backtrack and step my way through the error messages.

if anyone have a suggestion for this I would be happy. And I have already dropped the a99 database several times in order to test my various solution options
Had the same problem with MariaDB... Quick workaround was to install Kodi on a Windows virtual running mysql and then export/import the 99 version to Maria DB.
Which mariadb are you running?
The new 10.1.13 works well for me.

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problems updating Kodi mySQL to Jarvis0