Win PC in lieu of DirecTV receiver
I'm a relative N00b with this, so I ask that you remain kind Smile.

I'm looking to replace my DirecTV HR54 Genie and C41-100 Genie Mini with an HTPC and maybe 2nd PC option. I want to totally replace the Genie and Genie Mini to save money. For sake of arguement, Netflix, Hulu (etc) are not options, and neither is cord cutting.
Question: Can this be done? If not, what would one recommend?
Are you talking about saving money by cancelling your DirecTV hardware rental costs and replacing them with PCs?

I could be wrong but I don't think you will have access to the same content if you did. Maybe one of the US forum members could clarify.

As this is not Kodi related I'm moving it to Off-topic.
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PC in lieu of DirecTV receiver0