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v17 LibreELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 17.0)
NOTICE: This thread has run its course - see this thread for LibreELEC Kodi 18 builds where testing continues.

Kodi "master" is now based on Krypton, or Kodi 17. See this thread for Kodi 16 (Jarvis) testbuilds. See this thread for old OpenELEC Kodi 17 builds.

Fair Warning

Kodi 17 is currently beta and there is likely to be a lot of activity in the coming weeks/months. There will be some breakage.

In addition, these are "bleeding edge" builds - they often contain cherry-picked commits that require early testing prior to merging upstream, and which won't be found in regular nightlies until after they have been merged.

25 Oct 2016: Please continue to report issues in this thread, but as I'm often not responsible for bugs and regressions (unless it's build related) don't expect personal replies or for me to file any upstream bug reports on your behalf. The best you can hope for is that the developer responsible is monitoring this thread and responds appropriately. If you want to progress an issue, identify when the issue first appeared as that may help suggest the pull request (PR) responsible, then post a comment on the relevant github PR or - if it's VideoPlayer related, or you don't know which PR is responsible - on trac.kodi.tv.

Skin Usage

By all means use third party skins with these builds (if the skins are compatible), but please do not report problems that cannot be reproduced while using the stock Estuary skin that is included with every build.

If a problem is not reproducible with stock Estuary then it's most likely to be a third-party skin problem, in which case contact the skin maintainer.


You need a working system in order to install a test build. If you are starting from scratch, use an official LibreELEC disk image to create a working system on your SD card. Once you have a working system, install the test build by copying the tar file into your Update folder and reboot.

RPi 3 Users: Use RPi2 builds.

Recent builds (see next post for older builds):
  • #1129, 29-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (kodi-theme-Estuary: updated default background colour (and other changes); add Hifiberry ALSA config)
  • #1128, 28-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New Chorus2 web interface; added pvr.octonet add-on; HW mouse pointer fixes)
  • #1127, 27-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New 4.8.11 kernel; ffmpeg: update to 3.1.6-Krypton-Beta6; inpustream.adaptive replaces mpd and smoothstream)
  • #1126, 26-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware with extra 16MB disabled by default; VideoPlayer: change time parameter of SeekTime from int to double; ffmpeg: update to 3.1.5-Krypton-Beta6)
  • #1125, 25-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Merge /usr; official LE setttings icon Estuary skin support)
  • #1124, 24-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Bump systemd 232; bump Python 2.7.12; [PVR] fix recordings window subfolder listings)
  • #1123, 23-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Estuary 2nd edition)
  • #1122, 22-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New 4.8.10 kernel; cmake fixes)
  • #1121, 21-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Fix ARCH and CPU with cmake (PR:768))
  • #1120, 20-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware with extra 16MB RAM available on Pi2/Pi3; switch kodi build to cmake; fix PVR subfolders)
  • #1119, 19-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New 4.8.9 kernel; new firmware - updates for frambebuffer, debug_sym and deinterlace)
  • #1118, 18-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Fix channel change crash; bump bluez to 5.43; change Samba allocation roundup size, enable strict allocation)
  • #1117, 17-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Fix RTMP-related crash)
  • #1116, 16-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Bump to gcc-6.2.0, update libressl - this will break some addons; new tzdata and tzcode packages)
  • #1115, 15-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New 4.8.8 kernel; PVR.FilmOn fix)
  • #1114, 15-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware; add ioctl for reading gpu memory through dma)
  • #1113, 13-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New 4.8.7 kernel; enable CONFIG_I2C_BCM2835=m; experimental limit libass cache size depending on arm memory size)
  • #1112, 12-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Fix HLS streams)
  • #1111, 11-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (newclock5 cleanup now that libcec 4.0.0 has merged; busybox tar fix)
  • #1110, 10-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Show pretty name in "Available Versions" listing (LE Settings > Updates))
  • #1109, 09-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Minors)
  • #1108, 08-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Fix right-to-left languages when displaying subtitles)
  • #1107, 07-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Revert LibreSSL bump; add advancedsettings.xml to configure SSA/ASS cache size)
  • #1106, 06-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware; libass: update to 0.13.4; fix stuck Music overlay; fix SSA/ASS subtitle memory leaks)
  • #1105, 05-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (LibreSSL: update to 2.4.3; drop PR10819, PR10800; restore PR10813)
  • #1104, 04-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Bump curl-7.51.0; fix numeric seek using SMS keys; drop addons remove/keep prompt when cleaning library; revert [pkg] PR:10813 - fix for Hebrew subtitles?)
  • #1103, 03-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Drop PR10707 Seekhandler; Change texture loading to not block skin updates)
  • #1102, 02-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post ([PVR] Fix epg update deadlock.; [python] Add xbmcgui.DialogBusy())
  • #1101, 01-Nov-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Restore raspberrypi-power PR:1700; (Clean build))
  • #1031, 31-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New 4.8.6 kernel; fix crash when caching images; avoid occasional systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service error on startup)
  • #1030, 30-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (fix hash checking in addon installer; revert kernel 4.8.y PR:1700 - breaks USB; MemoryAlignment: Fixes)
  • #1029, 29-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Fix Bloomberg buffering)
  • #1028, 29-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Kodi 17 Beta6 development opens; bcm270x: Convert to ARCH_MULTIPLATFORM)
  • #1027, 27-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (ffmpeg: update to 3.1.5-Krypton-Beta5-1; fix zip addon installs; restructure the pll adjust code)
  • #1026, 26-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (libcec 4.0.0)
  • #1025, 25-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware; Kodi 17 Beta5 development opens; libcec 3.2.0)
  • #1024, 24-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New branch=next firmware; updated p8-platform package; updated Database migration text)
  • #1023, 23-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New 4.8.4 kernel; ffmpeg: ffmpeg-3.1.5-Krypton-Beta5; fix skin settings loading on skin reload; AE: fix mem leaks)
  • #1022, 22-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Minors. Clean build.)
  • #1021, 21-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Minors)
  • #1020, 20-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware; libnfs: Fix crash due to invalid contexts)
  • #1019, 19-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (VideoPlayer: fix aspect ratio for matroska containers for stereo modes; Change splash db upgrade logic)
  • #1018, 18-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Samba fixes; inputstream.mpd updates)
  • #1017, 17-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New 4.8.2 kernel)
  • #1016, 16-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (openssh: UsePrivilegeSeparation/StrictModes not needed; fix cross-linked updates)
  • #1015, 16-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Controller fixes; aspect ratio fix; SQLite 3.15.0; drop lcdproc - service.lcdd add-on available (addons))
  • #1014, 14-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Minors)
  • #1013, 13-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware - fixes mpeg2 hang)
  • #1012, 12-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (peripheral.joystick fixes; videoPlayer CDVDMessageQueue and first frame of new stream fixes)
  • #1011, 11-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware - removes max_usb_current; restore BCM270X_DT kernel commit; kernel/architecture cleanup)
  • #1010, 11-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Watchdog and BCM270X_DT kernel commits - latter reverted for now; fix relative seeks)
  • #1009, 09-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New 4.8.1 kernel; VideoPlayer sync and seek updates; libnfs 1.11.0)
  • #1008, 08-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (PR:10658: support reusing of CFile::m_pFile)
  • #1007, 07-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Fix device tree overlays loading during boot; bump settings - fix "About" text; temporarily restore lcdproc)
  • #1006, 06-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (PR:807: Network: smb & ntfs config mods - possibly better performance)
  • #1005, 06-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New 4.8.0 kernel; start of Kodi 17.0 beta4 cycle; enable HID multitouch; switch to in-tree rtl8192cu)
  • #1004, 04-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware)
  • #1003, 03-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post ([PVR] Fix CPVRDirectory::GetDirectory not to return false in case PVR is not yet (compeletely started).)
  • #1002, 02-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Minors)
  • #1001, 01-Oct-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (libressl to 2.3.8)

Feature Requests:
I will not be adding extra add-hoc packages to these builds as that is not their purpose, which is to help test bug fixes and enhancements for existing features/packages/drivers in stock LibreELEC. New functionality may be included for testing purposes if it is considered both beneficial and highly likely to be merged upstream in the near future, and is available as a github pull request or commit.

I have no desire to create builds with unique features upon which someone becomes dependent, as this benefits nobody in the long term not even those using the unique features once I stop creating new builds. In theory, when I stop creating new builds you should all be able to seamlessly switch back to official LibreELEC builds which by then should be including most if not all of the enhancements originally tested in these builds.

If you care about long term support for your favourite package, feature or driver and want to see it included in an LibreELEC build, contact the LibreELEC developers on github or post on the LibreELEC.tv forum requesting the addition of support in the base LibreELEC build (or better yet, create a Pull Request with patch). That way everyone building or using an LibreELEC derived system "wins".

Additional Testing Notes:
  1. Build references

    When reporting issues, refer to builds using only the published build codes, ie. #0215, #0216 etc. The build code is visible on the boot screen, and by typing "lsb_release".

    Do NOT use any other reference, as these are often meaningless. For instance, the LibreELEC github revision identifier, 20272, 20281 etc. can be used by more than one build if nothing changes in LibreELEC between successive builds meaning such references could identify multiple builds, rendering it useless as a unique reference.

    Anyone using the wrong reference will be ignored by me, possibly others, as I'm just not interested in working out which build you may or may not be referring to.

  2. Usage information

    Starting with build #0529(2014), very limited usage information will be collected during the first boot of each newly installed build. The information collected is: build#, Pi memory size (256MB, 512MB or 1008MB) and maximum ARM frequency. No IP or personal information is collected!

    If you wish to opt out of data collection, run the following command:
    touch /storage/.config/milhouse.dnt
    The purpose of this data collection is really just to get an idea of how much testing is being carried out and on what hardware, and would otherwise be achieved via non-opt out server logs if such logs were available (which they're not).

  3. Migrating LibreELEC from Pi1 to Pi2, and back again

    Note: Prior to migration I would recommend disabling all overclocks, as a Pi1 overclock may not work successfully on a Pi2, and vice versa.

    From Pi1 to Pi2: While using the Pi1, upgrade with the RPi2 tar. Once the upgrade is complete, the system will reboot to a rainbow boot screen (as you're now booting the ARMv7 kernel). Shutdown (pull the power) and transfer the SD card into your Pi2, which will boot normally.

    From Pi2 to Pi1: While using the Pi2, upgrade with the RPi tar. Once the upgrade is complete, the system will reboot to a rainbow boot screen (as you're now using the ARMv6 kernel). Shutdown (pull the power) and transfer the SD card into your Pi1, which will boot normally.

  4. Builds since early Dec 2014 include crashlog support

    In the event of a crash, the file /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi_crashlog_<ccyymmddhhmmss>.log will be created. Upload this file to a paste site and post details on the forum.

    Debug builds are occasionally uploaded to the debug folder. Debug builds will usually include more detailed crashlog information, but require a larger System partition (at least 384MB) and more RAM (on Pi1, reduce gpu_mem to 128 or as low as you can live with while still able to reproduce the problem).

    Use the following command to upload the most recent crashlog:
    paste $(ls -1art /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi_crashlog* | tail -1)

    Hint: Use the following command to create an alias named "crashlog" that can be used to upload always the latest crashlog file:
    echo "alias crashlog='paste $(ls -1art /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi_crashlog* | tail -1)'" >> /storage/.profile

  5. Resizing partitions for debug-enabled builds (or undersized partitions that result in "CHECKING SIZE: FAILED" errors)

    The default FAT partitition created by a disk-image installation (prior to OpenELEC 6.0.1) is too small for a debug-enabled build (and even some of the more experimental non-debug builds depending on what features are included), and will need to be increased in size to 512MB using some of the free space allocated to the second ext4 partition.

    To resize the FAT and ext4 partitions of an existing installation:
    • Linux: use gparted to resize FAT/ext4 partitions
    • Windows: use MiniTool Partition Wizard. See this post for more details - unfortunately partition move/resize is not supported by MiniTool for ext4 filesystems so backup, delete/recreate ext4, then restore to resize the Storage partition
    • Windows: An alternative solution is to boot a Linux "LiveCD" and then use gparted
    Alternatively, if you have a Linux system available and are creating a fresh SD installation, manually creating the partitions may be a quicker option (the linked instructions will create a 512MB FAT partition).

    Starting with OpenELEC 6.0.1, disk image installations will now create a 512MB FAT partition although this will wipe all existing data - use the backup/restore procedure to save existing data.

  6. Amazon Prime / inputstream.mpd
    These builds include the inputstream.mpd addon, which is enabled by default.

    With inputstream.mpd it is possible to view Amazon Prime content. To do so, you will need to install the libwidevinecdm.so library:
    curl -Ls http://nmacleod.com/public/libreelec/getwidevine.sh | bash

    Available Amazon Prime addons (valid Amazon Prime account required):


  7. LibreELEC Settings add-on Development Updates
    For these builds since #0612, enter a URL into a Custom Channel, selecting from the following URLs based on your hardware:
    RPi Zero/RPi1: http://milhouse.libreelec.tv/builds/master/RPi
    RPi2/RPi3:     http://milhouse.libreelec.tv/builds/master/RPi2
    Generic (x86): http://milhouse.libreelec.tv/builds/master/Generic
    then select "Milhouse-8.0" as the Update Channel.

  8. Clean builds - what are they?
    There are two ways to build LE: a "clean" build, where everything (every package) is built from scratch - this takes 2.5 to 3 hours - or there's an "incremental" build where only the packages that have changed from the last build are re-built - this is much quicker, usually 10-15 minutes depending on the number of packages that have changed.

    Obviously "incremental" builds are the preferred method since they're so much quicker, however there are consequences when packages have inter-dependencies and only some of those packages are changed (and thus rebuilt) which may result in unpredictable results at run-time. For this reason, every now and again it's a good idea to "clean build". Also, when there are a large number of core packages being updated/bumped it's also a good idea to "clean build" since the likelihood/risk of inter-dependency is so much greater.

    I'll sometimes make a point of mentioning in the build highlights when a build is of the "clean build" variety, mainly so that I remember this if/when I come back to this build for any reason in another 6 months time... Note that I won't always do this as I'll sometimes forget to mention it, so the lack of any reference to "clean build" should not be taken as confirmation that the build is incremental.

  9. Uploading debug logs
    Without a debug log there's often no way to investigate a problem, and you can expect your bug report to be ignored as a result. This is the easiest way to upload a debug log:
    1. Enable debug logging. If this is not possible in the GUI (because Kodi is crashing) then add the following to /storage/.kodi/userdata/advancedsettings.xml:
    2. Reboot, so that debug logging is in effect from the very start of Kodi
    3. Reproduce the problem
    4. Using ssh connect to LibreELEC (username: root, password: libreelec)
    5. Execute the command:
      cat /storage/.kodi/temp/kodi.log | pastebinit
      then paste the resulting url to the forum
    Debug logging is enabled in Settings > System Settings > Logging > Enable debug log. Sometimes component-specific logging may be useful depending on the issue.

    Do NOT upload the log itself to the forum! Always us a pastebin-type site (or dropbox/googledrive if you have to compress the log).
  10. Odds and sods
    1. What are newclock3 and newclock4? Link.
    2. A selection of addons are available here
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Previous builds:
  • #0930, 30-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New 4.7.6 kernel)
  • #0929, 30-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (VideoPlayer: allow change of resolution before renderer has been configured; remove home screen info mapping from remote.xml; drop PR10544)
  • #0928, 28-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (newclock5: VideoPlayer: notify gui on speed changes from PR10581; ffmpeg: update to ffmpeg-3.1.4-Krypton-Beta3)
  • #0927, 28-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Show Hardware UUID in System Info)
  • #0926, 26-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Various PVR add-on fixes)
  • #0925, 25-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (PR:10544: [pvr] attempt to fix crashing and general failure in ChannelExists())
  • #0924, 24-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New 4.7.5 kernel; ffmpeg-3.1.3-Krypton-Beta3-2; revert PVR database fix due to crashing)
  • #0923, 24-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (PR:760: rework cmake build system and adjust build variables (clean build); PR:10544: [pvr] attempt to fix crashing and general failure in ChannelExists())
  • #0922, 22-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (More libnfs updates; switch to basic kodi database update notification; peripheral.joystick udpated with linux as default provider)
  • #0921, 22-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware with Pi2+ support; libnfs updates)
  • #0920, 20-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (VideoPlayer exceptional keyframe fix; libnfs updates)
  • #0919, 19-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Move LibreELEC Settings addon button to Settings; pR10506: Possible fix for PVR startup problems)
  • #0918, 18-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (MMAL fixes, remove dead code; enable NEON in kernel (RPi2/3 only))
  • #0917, 17-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Start of Kodi 17.0 beta3 cycle)
  • #0916, 16-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Fix OMX subtitle issues; fix DVD menus)
  • #0915, 15-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New 4.7.4 kernel; AE: fix mem leak in tempo filter)
  • #0914, 14-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware; skin migration and addon compatibility checking; hack: atempo memory leak fixed; brcmfmac: do not use internal roaming engine by default)
  • #0913, 13-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware with updated warning artwork)
  • #0912, 12-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware - bitmapped warning icons and deinterlace fix; MMALRender: Ignore unexpected timestamp difference in framerate calculation)
  • #0911, 11-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Minors)
  • #0910, 10-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (cmake change)
  • #0909, 10-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (CMake fixes; Estuary skin fixes)
  • #0908, 09-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (More cmake fixes; revert "AE: change usage of swr_set_compensation" - fixes http://trac.kodi.tv/ticket/16887)
  • #0907, 07-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware; new 4.7.3 kernel)
  • #0906, 06-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Various Kodi cmake changes; VideoPlayer fixes)
  • #0905, 06-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Fix stuttering playback in previous build (updated PR10400))
  • #0904, 04-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (ffmpeg: fix for pixellated thumbnails; restore old CEC settings filename; llvm and various package updates (clean build))
  • #0903, 03-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Fix seeking about OOM fixes; RPi overlay updates; drop udev from peripheral.joystick; fix for netradio crashes (PR10387))
  • #0902, 02-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware; rpi-4.7.y enable clock manager and modify all subsystems to use it - with reverts)
  • #0901, 01-Sep-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Minors)
  • #0831, 31-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Various kernel udpates; peripheral.joystick updates)
  • #0830, 30-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (peripheral.joystick updates; DVDAudioCodecPassthrough - should prevent OOM while seeking with passthrough)
  • #0829, 29-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Minors)
  • #0828, 29-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (ffmpeg: Bump to 3.1.3-Krypton-Beta3; revert "[rbp] [retroplayer] Initial support for mmal renderer")
  • #0827, 28-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Revert schedutil governor; fix for recordings window)
  • #0826, 26-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Revert to ondemand governor from schedutil; updated peripheral.joystick Deadzone settings)
  • #0825, 25-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (AESinkPULSE: Try to resolve channel layout; deinterlace fixes)
  • #0824, 24-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (PVR fixes; skin migration and addon compatibility checking)
  • #0823, 24-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New 4.7.2 kernel; new firmware)
  • #0822, 22-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (peripheral.joystick v1.2.0)
  • #0821, 21-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Bump to Kodi 17.0 beta2 (start of Beta2 development))
  • #0820, 21-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Updated tvheadend42 with easier way to create debug trace logs)
  • #0819, 19-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware; PVR and VideoPlayer fixes)
  • #0818, 18-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Minors)
  • #0817, 17-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Fix GPU memory leak with windowed video, and hidden animations (link))
  • #0816, 16-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware)
  • #0815, 15-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Estuary skin sync. Fix seek label)
  • #0814, 14-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Minors)
  • #0813, 13-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (PVR/EPG fixes; PAPlayer pause fix; VideoPlayer sync fixes)
  • #0812, 12-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Minors)
  • #0811, 11-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Minors)
  • #0810, 11-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware; smsc95xx: Experimental: Enable turbo_mode and packetsize=2560 by default)
  • #0809, 09-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (ffmpeg: Bump to 3.1.2-Krypton-Beta1 (6da2f5f); added HiFiBerry Digi+ Pro driver; add automatic per-client boot/disk capability)
  • #0808, 08-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post ((Clean build); fix auto-sense in lirc_rpi driver)
  • #0807, 07-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (ffmpeg: Bump to 3.1.1-Krypton-Beta1 (fixes bugs/issues with mp3, and HLS streaming); Estuary skin sync)
  • #0806, 06-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Fix "route add" error with OpenVPN; stop enabling peripheral.* addons at startup; VideoPlayer sync fix)
  • #0805, 05-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Remove CONFIG_USB_UAS support (see issue #875))
  • #0804, 04-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (curl: bump 7.50.1 (same as kodi); fix appliance.xml - webserver enabled by default)
  • #0803, 03-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Added to newclock5: PR:10216 and PR:10222)
  • #0802b, 02-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (More libcec updates; inputstream.mpd & smoothstream updates; #0802b: PR:10217: [linux] fix datadir (KODI_HOME) detection)
  • #0801, 01-Aug-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (libcec updates)
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Previous builds:
  • #0731, 31-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Kodi 17 Beta 1; reorganise Library Settings; fix removal of cached files in archive_cache (PR10206))
  • #0730, 30-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Fix remote control buttons broken in build #0729; fix for remote control autorepeat; Estuary: Various updates including screenshot previews; replace "CodecInfo" button/key mapping with "PlayerDebug")
  • #0729, 29-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Revert season-all thumb change; AE: add ffmpeg atempo filter (newclock5))
  • #0728, 28-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware)
  • #0727, 27-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post ([PVR] Fix recordings resume playback context menu handling; drop mmalrender commit)
  • #0726, 26-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Minors)
  • #0725, 25-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New 4.7.0 kernel; drop AE: add atempo filter; drop freetype bump from PR:555)
  • #0724, 24-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (AE: add atempo filter; PlayerProcessInfo dialog; fix SQL deinterlace query; fix seeklabel)
  • #0723, 23-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (PR:10157: [WIP] Double the backslash in mysql in case we're in 'LIKE')
  • #0722, 22-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware; inputstream.mpd updated)
  • #0721, 21-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Bump mysql, busybox, bluez and many many more; revert PR10130 for now; inputstream.mpd & smoothstream updates)
  • #0720, 20-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New VideoDB schema v107; mmal updates)
  • #0719, 19-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (connman: bump to 1.33; ffmpeg/mmal updates)
  • #0718, 18-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Dropped ADSP addons; don't unmount /storage or /flash on shutdown)
  • #0717, 17-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Various Kodi cleanups; addons screenshot support)
  • #0716, 16-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (AE: fix resetting rr to 1.0; mmal updates)
  • #0715, 15-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware; updated deinterlace commits in newclock5; updated database migration message)
  • #0714, 14-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Allow lirc to process event codes >= 256; MMAL update)
  • #0713, 13-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Update ffmpeg 3.1.1 commit; display progress information during database migrations)
  • #0712, 12-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New 4.7-rc7 kernel; MMAL fixes (a few more deinterlace fixes); added upgrade check to prevent users upgrading to incompatible versions)
  • #0711, 11-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (PVR change)
  • #0710, 10-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Minors)
  • #0709, 09-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Bump mesa 12.0.1; mmal updates)
  • #0708, 08-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware; updated inputstream.mpd 1.1.8)
  • #0707, 07-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Minors)
  • #0706, 06-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware, link Kodi aginst libbrcmEGL.so/libbrcmGLESv2.so; fix Titan "modern_rounded" buttons issue)
  • #0705, 05-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (libnfs update; RTL8812AU update)
  • #0704, 04-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New 4.7-rc6 kernel: bump 0.9.3 (with Nevcairiel's 3D ISO additions); PR:511: Revert "lirc: add lircd-uinput service")
  • #0703, 03-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (ffmpeg 3.1.1)
  • #0702, 03-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware - use versioned libELG and libGLESv2; updated inputstream.mpd; mmal updates)
  • #0701, 01-Jul-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Kodi 17.0alpha3; partition newclock5 commits into stable/unstable groups)
  • #0630, 30-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New Kodi splash for Alphas; updated ffmpeg 3.1 with fixes for DVD menus)
  • #0629, 29-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (mmal updates; revert kernel commit that is causing auto-repeat issues; update with latest ffmpeg/3.1-xbmc commits)
  • #0628, 28-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New 4.6.3 kernel; fix for files with GMC warp-points)
  • #0627, 27-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware; PR:10036: [PVR] Guide window: Fix timer icon issues (trac #16621))
  • #0626, 26-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (FFmpeg 3.1 with minimal Kodi commits/patches)
  • #0625, 25-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (gcc: update to 5.4.0; drop "3dlut and simple ICC linking support for color correction" (PR9731) due to conflict with ADSP)
  • #0624, 24-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Fix webserver (iOS, Yatse issues etc.))
  • #0623, 24-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Bump ffmpeg 3.0.1 -> 3.0.2+HEAD; ffmpeg rework package; fix JSON IMDB ratings/votes (PR:10020))
  • #0622, 22-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (libnfs updates)
  • #0621, 21-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Improve stall handling with DVD menus)
  • #0620, 20-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware; ADSP add-ons included in build)
  • #0619, 19-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Bump lirc to 0.9.4)
  • #0618, 18-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (ADSP commits added to newclock5 branch; inputstream.mpd updates)
  • #0617, 17-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New VideoDB schema v106)
  • #0616, 16-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (mmal_codec: Use EOS through codec to determine drain is complete)
  • #0615, 15-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Drop lirc bump added in #0614)
  • #0614, 14-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Fix for Settings add-on Update procedure; updated RPi3 WiFi firmware; lirc: update to 0.9.4; package updates: curl, llibmicrohttpd, libirman, libressl etc.)
  • #0613, 13-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware; newclock5 mmal updates; rpi-4.6.y WLAN updates)
  • #0612, 12-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Move RTMP support to inputstream.add-on; fix "Save" button when editing network connections; add support for development updates in LibreELEC Settings add-on)
  • #0611, 11-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (VideoPlayer and DMA fixes)
  • #0610, 10-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Revert commit causing possible pvr.hts issue; several new kernel dma-related commits)
  • #0609, 09-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Estuary skin update)
  • #0608, 08-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (New firmware; new 4.6.2 kernel)
  • #0607, 07-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (VideoPlayer: switch back to Kodi method of counting CPUs; VideoPlayer: keep value of m_vSyncAdjust on Discontinuity)
  • #0606, 06-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (Reinstate DVD support)
  • #0605, 05-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD ISO/disk playback remains temporarily disabled; Kodi fixes)
  • #0604, 04-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD ISO/disk playback remains temporarily disabled; new VideoDB schema v105)
  • #0603, 03-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD ISO/disk playback remains temporarily disabled; new 4.6.1 kernel; libnfs fixes (32-bit/gcc-5.3.0 build issues))
  • #0602, 02-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD ISO/disk playback remains temporarily disabled; new firmware)
  • #0601, 01-Jun-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD ISO/disk playback remains temporarily disabled; gcc, python, systemd, mysql updates (clean build); kernel rpi-4.6.y updates)
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Previous builds:
  • #0531, 31-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD ISO/disk playback remains temporarily disabled; new firmware; do not decode eia_608 subtitles)
  • #0530, 30-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD ISO/disk playback remains temporarily disabled; libnfs update)
  • #0529, 29-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD ISO playback remains temporarily disabled; possible fix for the preroll/channel switch issue)
  • #0527, 27-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; mmal/videoplayer updates)
  • #0526, 26-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; drop Roby77 vblank patch)
  • #0525, 25-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; mmal and render fixes)
  • #0524, 24-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; mmal tweaks)
  • #0523, 23-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; VideoPlayer updates)
  • #0522, 22-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; systemd: update to 230; PR:9862: PluginDirectory - avoid BusyDialog if not called by main thread)
  • #0521, 21-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; PR:381: splash: Select splash image based on native resolution)
  • #0520, 20-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; new firmware - remove pvt; add dtparam and dtc; bump MySQL client to 5.7.12; bump eventlircd; PVR: Make instant recording behavior configurable)
  • #0519, 19-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; updated LibreELEC Settings add-on - now Estuary compliant)
  • #0518, 18-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; fix cmake after PR9750)
  • #0517, 17-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; new firmware; new 4.6.0 kernel; libnfs pagecache; mmal updates)
  • #0516, 17-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; clean build. Update various packages; change aspect ratio of 1024 LE splash image; add bilinear scaling to LE splash; allow watched items to be hidden)
  • #0515, 15-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; inputstream.mpd updates, now with 1080p support)
  • #0514, 14-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; renderSystem: Load correct identity)
  • #0513, 13-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; new firmware)
  • #0512, 12-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; new firmware)
  • #0511, 11-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; PR:9795: fixed: Caching of quasi-internet streams like webdav was broken; PR:9794: Use separators from language addon)
  • #0510, 10-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; rbp: Fix possible leak in rendercapture interface)
  • #0509, 09-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; new 4.6.0-rc7 kernel; updated PR9778, should fix remaining add-on issues)
  • #0508, 08-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; fix splash video time-shift problem; fix for YouTube, Quasar and TuneIn add-on hangs)
  • #0507, 07-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; possible fix for slideshow related crashes)
  • #0506, 06-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; new firmware)
  • #0505, 05-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; new 4.6.0-rc6 kernel (clean build); fix for Quasar/Trakt authorisation)
  • #0504, 04-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; videoPlayer updates, fix c/p error in RenderManager; PR:9576: [network] improvements to the webserver implementation)
  • #0503, 03-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; new firmware; hacky scheme to enable accelerated playback as first ff step)
  • #0502, 02-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; [skin] bump GUI version; file cache improvements; default to double buffered)
  • #0501, 01-May-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; kodi 17.0 Alpha 2; new v24 Addons schema; settings layout changes; fix broken left/right remote control button inputs; enable core dump for hello_video.bin (splash video))
  • #0430, 30-Apr-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; minors)
  • #0429b, 29-Apr-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; #0429b: Reverted Apple remote change - breaks MCE remotes)
  • #0428, 28-Apr-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; new firmware; new 4.6.0-rc5 kernel; new LibreELEC branding and splash video; i2s kernel 4.6 fixes; [skin] save skin settings early on exit)
  • #0424, 24-Apr-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; new firmware; PVR API 5.2.0 bumps; ensure os.* addons are always enabled)
  • #0423, 23-Apr-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; new firmware; new 4.6.0-rc4 kernel; [PVR] Alternative pvr announce - this introduces an API bump to 5.2.0; fix for Pandoki certificate issue; bump connman 1.32)
  • #0420, 21-Apr-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; fix ffmpeg leaks (not fixing libass leaks))
  • #0419, 19-Apr-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; new firmware; really default to double buffered)
  • #0418, 18-Apr-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; LibreELEC master opens for Kodi 17; [rbp] Default to double buffered; another go at fixing pvr.argustv; drop repo database hack)
  • #0417, 17-Apr-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; new firmware; drop custom inputstream.mpd URLs; fix for pvr.argustv issues; [PVR] EPG data import performance tuning)
  • #0416, 16-Apr-2016: RPi / RPi2 -- Release post (NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled; first official LibreELEC test build; includes inputstream.smoothstream)
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Reserved #4
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Reserved #5
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
The DevUpdate Addon requires an update to support LibreELEC builds, in the meantime please update manually.

Builds will start at 9pm UK time, and be published soon after (unless there's a build issue, when it will be later).
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Glad to see it, congrats on getting things worked out.

One dumb question to start, What is the SSH password for this new build?
(2016-04-16, 15:14)J_E_F_F Wrote: One dumb question to start, What is the SSH password for this new build?

Username: root
Password: libreelec
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
Thank you!
  • Intel NUC Kit DN2820FYKH ~ Crucial DDR3L SO-DIMM 4GB ~ SanDisk ReadyCache 32GB SSD ~ Microsoft MCE model 1039 RC6 remote
Anything special need to be done when migrating from openelec to libreelec? Is it as simple as dumping a libreelec tar into the openelec updates folder?
Will LibreELEC have the same seamless 3D MVC that your openELEC builds did?
Theater: The PS4/XBONE killer running Kodi 17.3 3D Movie Box: Raspberry Pi running LibreElec 8.0 Alpha BROKEN Family Room: "A6-Pack" running Kodi 17.3 Whole House: FireTV running Kodi 17.3
(2016-04-16, 16:33)jarvismeier Wrote: Anything special need to be done when migrating from openelec to libreelec? Is it as simple as dumping a libreelec tar into the openelec updates folder?

Yes, just install the update as normal and you will be switched to LE. It's possible some addons may cause problems, we'll need to keep an eye on that and work around it.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
(2016-04-16, 16:58)ragedogg69 Wrote: Will LibreELEC have the same seamless 3D MVC that your openELEC builds did?

Yes, the LE builds are a continuation of the OE builds.
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
New LibreELEC.tv Krypton build #0416: RPi / RPi2
(Supercedes previous build)

# uname -a
Linux rpi512 4.4.7 #1 Sat Apr 16 21:05:49 BST 2016 armv6l GNU/Linux

# vcgencmd version
Apr 12 2016 22:33:58
Copyright (c) 2012 Broadcom
version 124875c58e250c4dcee3c52e8971166f184fa2e0 (clean) (release)

# lsb_release
LibreELEC (Milhouse) - Version: devel-20160416210444-#0416-gf20aadc [Build #0416]

# vcdbg log msg 2>&1 | grep DTOK
002483.805: Kernel trailer DTOK property says yes

# Kernel device tree status: Enabled

Based on tip of LibreELEC.tv master (f20aadc7, changelog) and tip of XBMC master (2c72ac9a, changelog) with the following modifications: Build Highlights:
  1. NOTE: DVD playback remains temporarily disabled
  2. First official LibreELEC test build - changes are relative to LE #0414 build
  3. Includes inputstream.smoothstream, which may one day (soon?) allow Sky Go support
Build Details:
  1. LibreELEC.tv:
    • kodi/imx6: move project specific patches to project folder (PR:156, 1 commit, 2 files changed)
    • glibc: dont use perl/makeinfo. build parallel (PR:154, 1 commit, 1 file changed)
    • projects/imx6/linux: don't build RTL8192CU driver (PR:157, 1 commit, 1 file changed)
    • imx6: update linux with missing commits (PR:158, 1 commit, 1 file changed)
    • Add dt-blob.bin compilation and installation to the system. (PR:155, 1 commit, 3 files changed)
    • Tvheadend 4.2 with transcoding (PR:123, 2 commits, 18 files changed)
    • imx6: Update kodi patches (PR:161, 1 commit, 1 file changed)
    • copy the dt-blob to image (PR:162, 3 commits, 2 files changed)
    • added RECOVERY to partitions not to be mounted (PR:163, 1 commit, 1 file changed)
    • kodi-binary-addons: fix for imx6 project (PR:165, 1 commit, 2 files changed)
    • projects/imx6/linux: change file permission (PR:166, 1 commit, 1 file changed)
    • projects/imx6/linux: disable kernel module signing (0aa8d89b)
    • projects/imx6/linux: disable kernel module signingthanks (a994045a)
  2. XBMC:
    • fix description label in select dialog (PR:9610, 1 commit, 7 files changed)
    • fix plugin context menus (PR:9595, 4 commits, 9 files changed)
    • [python-api] - do not use core context menus for WindowXML containers (PR:9605, 2 commits, 1 file changed)
    • Use aligned_malloc when using buffers with sws_scale (PR:9623, 3 commits, 4 files changed)
    • [chg] add guisetting to configure number of volume control steps (PR:9617, 1 commit, 6 files changed)
    • Remove HTTPFile / CURLAddOption PostData added (PR:9621, 2 commits, 10 files changed)
    • [win32] A set of DX fixes for windows. (PR:9624, 10 commits, 7 files changed)
    • AE: fix going to idle state after change of refresh rate (PR:9628, 1 commit, 1 file changed)
    • ActiveAE: Fix use of invalidated iterator (PR:9630, 1 commit, 1 file changed)
    • [estuary] - skin sync (PR:9634, 1 commit, 54 files changed)
    • fixed: Compile warnings (PR:9633, 1 commit, 2 files changed)
    • [cmake][linux] Several fixes (PR:9568, 11 commits, 10 files changed)
    • VideoPlayer: consider offset to vsync (PR:9629, 4 commits, 16 files changed)
    • ffmpeg: thread specific logging level (PR:9632, 1 commit, 3 files changed)
    • [contextmenu] fix bad refactoring in f6ea8bf5 (83f959f8)
  3. inputstream.mpd:
  4. inputstream.smoothstream:
    • new interface version, version bump to 1.0.4 (1813bbb4)
  5. kernel 4.4.y_rebase:
    • New commits in this build:
      • BCM270X_DT: Add dpi24 overlay (282129d8)
      • Modify IQAudIO DAC+ ASoC driver to set card/dai config from dt (e0fd35e3)
      • Add support for the Digital Dreamtime Akkordion music player. (d2eebd13)
      • Add Support for BoomBerry Audio boards (f9dedfcd)
      • Add support for mcp7940x family of RTC (155ef93e)
      • bcm2709_defconfig: Fix typo on BoomBerry configuration directive (e20cde6a)
      • boomberry-dac: Adjust for ALSA API change (2555245a)
  6. Additional commits/pull requests/changes not yet merged upstream:
    • Added: [env] ed774729: Intel: Implement Passthrough-Range
    • Added: [env] 98c65e6a: Kodi: Use Limited Range by default
Texture Cache Maintenance Utility: Preload your texture cache for optimal UI performance. Remotely manage media libraries. Purge unused artwork to free up space. Find missing media. Configurable QA check to highlight metadata issues. Aid in diagnosis of library and cache related problems.
  • 1(current)
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 218

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LibreELEC Testbuilds for RaspberryPi (Kodi 17.0)19
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