v17 LibreELEC Testbuilds for x86_64 (Kodi 17.0)

Please, I need help with some issues. I'm using and old notebook with Core2 Duo CPU P7370 with a GPU GMA 4500MHD
1.- I don't get video acceleration. It is supposed that the GPU is capable of decoding MPEG 2 and H264. But when I play a mpeg2 video, Kodi shows a green screen and then a black screen. With H264 Kodi plays it, but with SW. VAAPI is enabled.

2.- The video looks washed out (I don't know if this is the rigth way to say it) No blacks. But when I put "xrandr --output HDMI1 --set "Broadcast RGB" "Full"" in a autostart.sh file, the videos looks better, but I don't know if is the correct way.

3.- The notebook has a internal hard drive that I use with my media, but it always is changing it's identification (I mean sda to sdb and vice versa) so my library can't be played.

4.- I'm using a remote control with Libreelec but the first press of a button doesn't work, only the next presses work but only if the presses are fast enougth (maybe less than 200 ms).

This is the debug http://sprunge.us/BRYM

I hope some of these issues have a solution.

Thanks for any help.

Messages In This Thread
3D HOU/HSBS issue - by .bismarck - 2016-06-20, 20:03
RE: LibreELEC Testbuilds for x86_64 (Kodi 17.0) - by watanave - 2016-08-28, 17:35
[Build #0903] breaks VAAPI - by MichaelAnders - 2016-09-04, 15:37
Update Failed - by n2vwz - 2016-09-27, 19:34
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LibreELEC Testbuilds for x86_64 (Kodi 17.0)11