Win Kodi Crash - Random Green & Black Boxes

Kodi will crash at random when I am watching media. For the life of me, I cannot figure out any pattern, it happens at anytime (Live TV, recorded TV, media, music, youtube, etc.) The screen will turn into a random array of green and black boxes ( see screenshot ). The audio will play a looping ear piercing sound, and only a hard reboot will fix. If I am playing recorded TV, Kodi will not remember where it last played and start from the beginning of the file.

No debug log yet, but when it crashes again I will upload it. Regular log attached.

First started happening on 16.0. Upgraded to 16.1 RC2 and same thing.

My guess:

1) GPU is dying
2) MythTV guide update is doing something (according to the log)

Any ideas?


Debug Log:
The mods hate it when you include logs in the forum messages, use a paste-bin like and link back to the forum.

Sure looks like a hardware issue, like clock lines of your dfx card or some such. Without Kodi... cast your desktop over, same issue or rock solid? If your desktop is fine, then something in the gfx driver, at that point give VLC player a shot and are yo getting strangeness?

Try to pin it down to Kodi or O/S or hardware using a methodical method.
Thanks PatK, I updated my OP so the full log isn't in code tags anymore, and uploaded to

No problems using the computer on the desktop. I play a few hours worth in VLC and see what happens.
First of all please update your GPU drivers, seems the issue related to unstable drivers or GPU hardware. Secondly, please provide a Debug Log.
Sorry for the delayed response, was not by the PC for a few days. Updated GPU drivers to the latest

Debug log:
Looks like a hardware issue.
I was afraid of that :-(. Time for a new GPU

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