Linux KODIbuntu HDMI Card and Sound Issues
I am running KODIbuntu on a Dell Optiplex 780 Core 2 Duo.
It's running well responsive etc. What I want help with is selecting a low profile graphics card with HDMI.

Does KODIbuntu support HDMI-CEC? And if so can anyone recommend a good card for this?

There is no PCI-Express graphics card with HDMI-CEC support. For that, you need .
Ok thanks for reply so no HDMI-CEC. so will a GT710 1G with low profile work with KODIbuntu.
Not unless you upgrade nvidia graphics.
So I have installed an AMD Radeon HD 6450 and am having issues with the HDMI sound its only coming out the right channel of my HT

Here is info from

aplay -l
aplay -L

Any help would be great
Also Within KODI its showing up as "HDA ATI, @@@"
Oh god in heaven why did you go for amd?
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AMD card are really not recommended.... They have very poor driver support and historically have had lots of issues with HDMI audio (such as not reliably delivering HDMI audio at 24p output refresh rates...)
Would you believe i had an AMD card laying around, and if you don't want to help then don't post
FYI. I replaced the HDMI cable and everything is working fine.

Core 2 Duo PC with an AMD Graphics Card is running smooth.
(2016-05-29, 11:31)BigRatty Wrote: FYI. I replaced the HDMI cable and everything is working fine.

Core 2 Duo PC with an AMD Graphics Card is running smooth.

Strange - HDMI audio is carried on the same pins as the video (it's carried in the blanking periods where there isn't active video). I'd have expected you to have a lot of video distortion with a faulty cable if you didn't get both audio channels - though I guess all sorts of odd things can happen with dodgy connections, so it could be the display had just given up trying to cope.

The advice stands though - AMD cards are not usually seen as a great fit for Kodi duties - though in Windows there may be fewer issues than in Linux/OpenElec.

Glad you're happy - but a cheap nVidia card is usually a better bet than an AMD (though obviously if you have an AMD card then it makes sense to try it, as you have)

Also - when it comes to these threads, they are for a community to read and search - they aren't just a personal Q&A session. We answer with answers not just for the original person posing the question, but for others who will read them in the future who may be in a similar situation, but considering a purchase.
Aren't the open source AMD drivers pretty good now (as in decoding video, not 3D performance), a lot better than Nouveau, and has been that for a long time? I don't think it's right to say that AMD is a bad choice - always. With a newer Nvidia Card (At least Maxwell and up) you'd have to upgrade the binary gfx drivers after manually adding a ppa and maybe some ofther stuff, and I'm unsure if the newest drivers even works with 14.04 anymore.
(2016-05-30, 18:34)Soli Wrote: Aren't the open source AMD drivers pretty good now (as in decoding video, not 3D performance), a lot better than Nouveau, and has been that for a long time? I don't think it's right to say that AMD is a bad choice - always. With a newer Nvidia Card (At least Maxwell and up) you'd have to upgrade the binary gfx drivers after manually adding a ppa and maybe some ofther stuff, and I'm unsure if the newest drivers even works with 14.04 anymore.

Have the HD Audio issues gone away for all AMD cards ? At one point weren't there problems that meant you only got HD Audio over HDMI at a reduced number of refresh rates? I also think there were issues with deinterlacing?

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KODIbuntu HDMI Card and Sound Issues1