Does Kodi Jarvis 16.1 run on a Windows 7 Virtual Box 5.20 Machine?
Hello Everyone -

I am fairly new to Kodi for Windows, and so far this is a Fantastic Program!!! I've been playing around with various installations and need some assistance from the group. I have been searching this forum and all throughout the Internet trying to find out if Kodi Jarvis v16.1 can be installed on a Windows 7 x64 virtual machine running on Oracle Virtual Box v5.20 software? Everything I have tried has failed with the "Error - Cannot create GUI. Exit" error message when trying to run Kodi after it has been installed.

I was able to get Kodi to run on Windows 7 x64 virtual machine running on VMWare v12.1.1 I am not a huge fan of VMWare as I find it sometimes rather difficult to work with, and not as flexible as with using Oracle Virtual Box software.

Any assistance that can be provided would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for the assistance.
You need 3d acceleration for kodi to work. Turn on all video acceleration options in your vbox instance, and give it as much ram as possible. But it can be hit and miss.

But you have to ask why? Capable kodi boxes are under $150.
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Ive played with Kodi on virtual machines a while back and it was a failure as nickr said buy a cheap box and bin the virtual machine for kodi.

I only did it to see if I could and it worked but I gave it ALOT of resources for it to run smooth and it still wasn't silky smooth.

That message your getting I don't think that's to do with the VM try Kodi v16.0 you'll find it on the downloads page under old builds or something, see if that runs if your determined.
Although it is doable, I see no benefit in using a vm for Kodi.
I only tried it to see if it would be possible.
If you take nickr's tip and expose the underlying hardware as much as possible, you should be able to fire up an instance of Kodi.
Thank you everyone for your quick replies and suggestions. It is greatly appreciated. I've been working with computers for over 25 years and always enjoy a challenge. That was the main reason for trying to get Kodi to run on a VM machine. I saw it as a challenge and wanted to see if I could make it work. In the past I have had great success with VM machines on Virtual Box v5.20 I always use VM's for testing new software. I have been successful getting Kodi to run on VMWare Workstation Pro v12.1.1 It actually worked on the first try, and the playback of movies etc was flawless with no stutter or hesitation.

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Does Kodi Jarvis 16.1 run on a Windows 7 Virtual Box 5.20 Machine?0