Where are the files downloaded via File manager?
Hi everyone, my first post here and I have a simple question.

If some file has been downloaded via Android browser, it can be found in /sdcard/Download folder. If some file has been downloaded via Kodi's File manager it shows up in Root folder of the File manager. What I wanted to do was to move the file from /sdcard/Download to the Kodi File manager's root folder so it could be accessed without need to click on Add source > Browse > Root filesystem etc. but I couldn't find the location of the Root folder of the Kodi's File manager :-/ Is Root some virtual folder that can be accessed only from Kodi's File manager and not from the Android?

I used X-plore file manager, enabled the hidden files and searched through all the available locations but couldn't find any file that is shown in the Root folder from within the Kodi's File manager. I manually opened all folders inside /sdcard/Android/data/org.xmbc.kodi/files/.kodi but I didn't find any of the files that show up from Kodi's File manager - located in Root.

I searched the Kodi documentation but couldn't find the information if the Root folder of Kodi's File manager is a virtual folder that can't be accessed from the OS or it is a 'normal' folder that could be found somewhere in the system. However, if it is a 'normal' folder then X-plore should find the files contained but it doesn't :-/

I am running Kodi 15.1 on Orange Pi PC.
Think of the file manager's root as a list of bookmarks, rather than a folder/location.
(2016-06-05, 23:38)Ned Scott Wrote: Think of the file manager's root as a list of bookmarks, rather than a folder/location.
So it is then some kind of a virtual folder as I thought. However, the files that can be found in the root must be somewhere - is there a way to locate them from the OS? Are they just renamed or is there a database containing the files from file manager's root?

Thank you for the reply!
No, it's just a list of sources, not a folder.
Aaah, I totaly misconceived the whole thing because after clicking System > Settings > Add-ons > Install from .zip file there are entries with the same names as the entries in file manager's root. That's why I thought the files shown in file manager's root are .zip files located somewhere in local storage.

Thank you!

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Where are the files downloaded via File manager?0