Playing DVD movies
I was reading through the FAQ, and it says the XBMC doesn't support DVD menus.
Is this the same if I just put a DVD movie in the drive and try to play it like a normal standalone player would? or would i need the dvd playback kit?
XBMC does support DVD menus. Much of the faq is pretty old.

And no you dont need the kit to play DVDs on an Xbox, although the remote is pretty handy.
Please indicate exactly what is wrong on the FAQ so we can fix it.
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Well I looked and couldnt find the error. Must have been changed at some point.
If I put a dvd in the drive, how do i play it with menus like a normal standalone would?

Here is the outdated info that needs to be changed:

Quote:Q: Can XBMC play DVD-Video (retail DVD-Video movies) of DVD-discs and/or a harddrive?
A: Yes but currently XBMC's DVD-Video playback capabilities are very limited; not all DVDs play, nor are DVD-menu/navigation supported yet. (PS! We are working on full DVD-playback)
From where did you access this?
(this needs to go into the bin)
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sho Wrote:From where did you access this?
(this needs to go into the bin)

Google "xbmc play dvd" First link listed.
Ah! Knew it was there some place.

I think that whole page needs a looking at Smile

nickolasj80- Just stick it in, close the drive, go to video, highlight the dvd player and hit ok (or whatever the controller equivalent is, "X" I guess). Go into the video_ts folder and play (ok or x) Video_TS.ifo file. But, and its a big but, it depends on your dvd drive if it can play burnt media "easily" (search the forums). An original DVD should play find.

If you have networked your xbox to your computer you can always share the dvd drive of your computer and play it as well Smile Or extract it and stick it on your computer and share it...Or extract it and ftp it to the xbox and play it from there..

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Playing DVD movies0