Is box inability to write backup to external usb Kodi or mfr issue?
That is also an option. Thanks.
Kodi may be unable to write backups onto external USB devices for various reasons; these could range from Kodi compatibility issues and manufacturers (mfrs) having issues to external factors blocking writing backups altogether. Below are a few potential causes and troubleshooting steps worth trying:

Check that Your USB Device Is Compatible: Before connecting a USB drive to your Kodi device and file system (e.g. FAT32 or NTFS), ensure it meets both devices requirements for compatibility as some Kodi devices may have restrictions or maximum storage capacities that limit what types of file systems they support or the capacity of storage capacity on USB drives.

Problematic USB Ports: For devices connecting via USB to Kodi devices, try different USB ports as some may have limitations or compatibility issues that affect them.

USB Device Formatting: Improper formatting can prevent backups from successfully writing to the USB drive, leading to issues when writing backups. Check that it is formatted properly without any errors before using Kodi on it. Format it using your computer before Kodi begins using it!

File Permissions: When backing up files onto an USB device, verify the file permissions to ensure you have sufficient write access and are able to save a backup copy successfully.

Kodi Settings: When setting up backups with Kodi, double check that you have enabled the option for writing them to external storage devices.

Faulty Device or Cable: It could also be that either the USB device or cable itself is faulty, so try using another to see if the issue persists.
(2017-01-07, 20:05)Bondaz007 Wrote: Here is what I found as the solution. After the backup app is installed, Insert your USB drive or SD Card with the box off, (box off is how I did mine). Once I power back on box it automatically created a Android folder. If you browse the path to that folder. Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files and select ok. Then the devices saves the files to this location with a date and allows you to restore at another time.
I know this is an ancient thread, but most of this solution worked perfectly for me. I was able to "install from zip file" using a USB as a source, but I got USB/file errors when using the Kodi backup app. I tried other USB drives with the same results. After reading the above post,  I used my PC to manually create the folder structure mentioned ("Android/data/org.xbmc.kodi/files" ), since my android box would not create it for me. I ran Kodi and plugged the USB into my TV box and pointed to this path in the Backup App setup.  Bingo.. it worked perfectly.  I created a backup with no problem and also was able to paste a previous backup from a different box and complete a restore. Thanks much.

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Is box inability to write backup to external usb Kodi or mfr issue?0