Windows kodi stream to Android phone, possible?

I'm thinking about something for a while (2 years+) and this time I just have to ask it, and hope for the best!

So we have a W10 HTPC and it is working fine (Kodi is far the best and thank you for this!).
Is it possible to watch a movie on HTPC and when I have to go to the kitchen to prepare some food and my friends are still watching the movie, I wanna stream it on my Android phone so I don't have to ask them to rollback 10 minutes to catch up in the film.

Can I somehow achieve this simple task somehow?
You could set up a MySQL server on your windows.
(2016-07-19, 20:54)cj3322 Wrote: You could set up a MySQL server on your windows.

How does this help? Can you elaborate? It only shares he mysql database with other devices, or no? How will it stream from w10 htpc to my phone?

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Windows kodi stream to Android phone, possible?0