This may sound daft but why the need to port XBMC to linux... There are already media centres for linux.. what will xbmc add that the others dont??

This is posibly my ignorance here and this is a genuine question. I love XBMC and I have several xbox's running it in my house... but I could get out today and buy a pc and stick ununtu and LinuxMCE on it.... I use an xbox because its chaep and easySmile
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why not ?

linuxmce, don't get me started
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Cause XBMC is very nice. I love XBMC, it's elegent and simple, it's the best damned open source software I've ever used. I remember when I first installed it, I thought 'This can't be freeware...'.

But yes, XBMC shows it's age. It struggles with 480p H.254, though some is playable some other is not.

On Linux I hope to see increased flexability (Not to mention system resources that are more abundant) the ability to add in extra tools, drives, outputs, USB hard drives.

It'd be great if there could be an Xbox 360 Media Center, but the 360 isn't as easily exploitable as the Xbox. (You can't blame MS for learning their lesson).
the "why" has been discussed to death in this other thread http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=26097

so lets not start a new discussion on it.
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Agreed. This is akin to discussing why KDE bothers when there is Gnome.

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