Release Nebula 5.x for Kodi 17.x Krypton

I'm new in Kodi and Nebula. Maybe a stupid question but anyway: I'm still using Kodi 16 with Nebula 4 on my QNAP. It works wonderful and everything is configured to fit all knowledge of the family members.

My question is: is there a way to backup the settings incl. menus, library shortcuts etc. and import it to Nebula 5 on Kodi17? I really worked hours on configuring on Kodi16 ;-)

Thanks for your help


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RE: Nebula 5.x for Kodi 17.x Krypton - by rohorubo - 2018-03-22, 09:48
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Nebula 5.x for Kodi 17.x Krypton2