Beta Advanced Emulator Launcher - Multi-emulator frontend for Kodi
Hello there, I wanted to know what kind of arguments can be used by this add-on. I tried to set up PCSX2 in a way that it should load different ini-files depending on the game that is being launched. So my command line would look like this: 
"%rom%" --cfgpath="inis\%romname%" --nogui --fullscreen

But this doesn't work. Is %romname% even supported by AEL? Or is there a different variable I have to use?

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Can You create A Sub Category? - by Wild_Tom - 2020-07-13, 04:43
Crash & Lost my launchers? - by eirrocmh - 2020-11-29, 02:25
RE: Crash & Lost my launchers? - by eirrocmh - 2020-12-19, 00:19
RE: Advanced Emulator Launcher - Multi-emulator frontend for Kodi - by Finalzero - 2021-11-02, 13:12
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Advanced Emulator Launcher - Multi-emulator frontend for Kodi12