Android Player core factory file on Nexus 7
Hey guys,

I've seen a load of similar styles of issues but no results so thought i'd give this forum a try.

I have set up a playercorefactory xml file that will automatically send all video files to AllCast and then onto the living room TV via chromecast- woohoo.

While this is all my heart desires 99% of the time. There is that 1% when i want to watch Ray Donovan whilst making spag bol in the kitchen ....or doing the dishes.

Now I have read several places that says to achieve this all you need to so is use the drop down link that reads "Play using..." and select the internal player. Even when i do this the video still gets passed to AllCast. I have tried commenting out the rules portion of the file and all this does is stops the AllCast function all together. My guess was that the default actions are doing exactly what i would otherwise want which is pass everything to AllCast. This is fine except when i specifically chose DVDPlayer.

If anyone could help that would rock.

My (copy and pasted from wiki) code is below:

<player name="Allcast" type="ExternalPlayer" audio="false" video="true">

<! --- <rules action="prepend"> -->
<rules action="append">
<rule protocols="smb" player="Allcast" />
<rule dvdimage="true" player="Allcast"/>
<rule protocols="rtmp" player="Allcast"/>
<rule protocols="rtsp" player="Allcast" />
<rule protocols="sop" player="Allcast" />
<rule internetstream="true" player="Allcast" />
<rule video="true" player="Allcast"/>

<!-- Default for anything else not listed -->

Thanks for reading.

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Player core factory file on Nexus 71