[Krypton Beta] TV show information in context menu
i am on 17b1 and facing very weird issue. on previous versions of kodi/xbmc, if it is not able to find the tv show information you can right click the folder and go to tv show information and do a manual search to find the right show information.
is this option removed in 17 or i am missing something?
Guys not a single reply...
Most of the people that could look into this are working, patience give the question 12-24hrs, preface your message with the word Krypton.
Thanks, updated the topic.
i post the second reply after a week, just to keep the topic alive.
It should still be there. Make sure the parent folder still has "set content" with the correct type. I think there's a rare bug that will sometimes change things from "tv show" to "none" for the content type, and that will remove the info option from the context menu (even on content that is already scanned in).

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[Krypton Beta] TV show information in context menu1