v16 Scraping / File Naming problem
I am facing issues with kodi correctly scraping files stored on my hard disk. I have a multi part episode saved in one single file instead of two. Kodi shows it as "the delivery (1)" and "the delivery (2)" instead of just as "the delivery"

I have read the wiki and tried the following names

The Office (US).S06E17.S06E18.The Delivery.mkv
The Office (US).S06E17.S06E18.mkv
The Office (US).S06E17.E18.The Delivery.mkv
The Office (US).S06E17.E18.mkv
The Office (US).S06E17.1.S06E18.2.The Delivery.mkv
The Office (US).S06E17.1.S06E18.2.mkv
The Office (US).S06E17-S06E18.The Delivery.mkv
The Office (US)-S06E17-S06E18.mkv
The Office (US) - S06E17 - S06E18 - The Delivery.mkv

Can someone please tell me how to remove the duplicate entry ?
Simply exclude the E18 part. The scraper is what sees two entries. You can also try using DVD order, if the DVD used a single entry for the episode.
Thanks a lot. Excluding E18 did it Smile

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