stalker iptv backend missing in kodi krypton beta2
Tittle self explanatory!.... Where did you put that backend... Jesus Christ thats a big BUG to miss. Fix it.
(2016-09-19, 16:51)justice negron Wrote: Tittle self explanatory!.... Where did you put that backend... Jesus Christ thats a big BUG to miss. Fix it.

I'm sure the devs will get right on it as you asked so nicely.
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Part of the beta cycle means that this release (beta 2) has no PVR add-ons included, although they should be there once things are more finalised (certainly ready for the final release version).
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Thanks... Got a quote from devs... The backends r not packed in b2
kodi does not include any backend, never

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stalker iptv backend missing in kodi krypton beta20