Problem with german language pack under Android (Subtitle delay)
I think I just found a bug in the german language pack under Android. When I try to delay the subtitle in the audio window the label only shows the text "VERZ" instead of "Verzögert um x ms". When accelerating the subtitle delay the label is correct.

I've uploaded two screenshots to my Dropbox:
Accelerate: Image
Delay: Image

This problem only occurs under Android. (In Kodi v16 and v17) Under Mac and Linux the label is displayed correctly. I think this could be a problem because of the german umlaut in the text.

Is this a know problem or should I report this as a bug?
I assume you are using an older version of Kodi because it has been fixed since Krypton Beta 4.

10636 (PR)
Kodi @ NVidia Shield Android TV, Asrock J3455-ITX (LibreELEC Server), Windows 10, and Nexus 7 (2013)
(2016-11-01, 12:34)maxtherabbit Wrote: I assume you are using an older version of Kodi because it has been fixed since Krypton Beta 4.

10636 (PR)

Thanks for the info. Yes my Krypton version is older.

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Problem with german language pack under Android (Subtitle delay)0