Win Remap air mouse to photoshop shortcuts
Hi everyone, it's the first time i'm using kodi and i would like to remap some air mouse buttons to photoshop shortcuts.
I already remapped the buttons in the keymap.xml file. When they are remapped to actions like (left,right,back etc...) it works perfectly,
changing the action by photoshop shortcuts does not :/.

I will write an example from my xml file e.g:


<key id="61570">left</key>


This works fine but when i replace the action by the space bar for example it doesn't work. eg: <key id="61570">space</key>.
I would like to know what i'm doing wrong.

I'm using windows 8.1, kodi 16.1 Git and my air mouse is a rii mini i7. link:

Thanks in advance guys Smile
Not completely sure what you are trying to achieve. Kodi keymaps will only work in the Kodi enviroment, if you want to change actions on your remote to work in Photoshop this will have to be done in a program that works in the Windows enviroment such as Autohotkey AHK or Event Ghost.

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Remap air mouse to photoshop shortcuts0