Play videos and photos via UPnP in a slideshow

is there a possibility, to play photos and videos within one slideshow via UPnP/DLNA?

I transfer my photos and videos, which I made with my digital cam, to one folder (e.g. 2016-08-03).
From Kodi (LibreELEC + Raspberry Pi), I setup a UPnP connection and I would play all files from this folder (photos and videos), which is generally possible via Kodi, when I'm using SMB.
Because I have 4K videos from my digital cam, the Raspberry Pi does not have enough power for those resolution. Therefore my NAS is to be used to transcode those files.

Is this possible via UPnP, or does UPnP only support playing photos or videos?

Btw: I have enabled the settings, to show video files in listings.

Thank you in advance.


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Play videos and photos via UPnP in a slideshow0