Movie Info Refresh Issue
Over time, some episodes seems to not scrape right (probably because the info was not fully available yet).
Because of this, I periodically click Refresh in the Information on active TV shows.

In the past, this worked great as it only updated Episode info, but now it also clears all the Watched flags.

I now have to update each episode individually as I don't want to mess up all the watched flags for a show.

Can we please go back to the previous behavior.
I'm currently on 17.6 beta.
Are you sure Kodi used to preserve watched status between refreshes? I'm pretty sure v16 was like that as well.
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I know I've used this feature in the past and don't remember being frustrated that it cleared out my watched flag. It just seems like a strange thing to do when all your doing is updating media info which is not related to the Watch Flag.

For example: The watched flag works on media without a scrapper. In addition, I've watched a movie before the scrapper ran allowing the watched flag to get set. Then saw the scrapper run later updating the info not resetting my watched flag. So.. It appears to only happen when I manually ask it to refresh the media info.

We didn't start using Kodi as our main Media Center until recently, so this could be me just remembering the "good old days" incorrectly. Smile

To bad the Database isn't compatible between 16 and 17 as I would just push 16 back on one of my boxes to compare.
I may have time this weekend to test in a sandbox.

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Movie Info Refresh Issue0