UPnP: Filenames/ID3-Tags of songs not correct

some months ago I installed a new version of XBMC (Built on Oct 7 2007). The former one was built on Dec 25 2006.

The newer version doesn't recognize the artist of mp3-files streamed from the PC with Windows Media Connect. The files are named the way "artist - title" but XBMC only shows the title when listing and playing the files. This means that the lyrics don't work and that I can't receive any title information. I've already tried nearly every mp3-tag-combination like APE, V1 an V2 in different variations but nothing seems to work. It's very annoying considering the fact that I didn't change my PC or Windows Media Connect or network configuration and everything worked well with the old XBMC.

BTW: When streaming videos from my PC I can't go forward in steps or rewind which also worked well in the older version.

I have already tried the newest XBMC but there is no difference. If you can't help me I think I have to downgrade to my older working version again although it's missing some very nice features. But it's nice to have correct ID3-Tags and to wind and rewind in movies, too Wink

Can someone please help??
zucchero Wrote:some months ago I installed a new version of XBMC (Built on Oct 7 2007)
Not new enough, so please first update to the very latest SVN build of XBMC (google "T3CH XBMC").

If you get the same issue with the latest SVN buil then grab and upload a debug log (onto pastebin)
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UPnP: Filenames/ID3-Tags of songs not correct0