Scrap media from ftps sources
Hello guys,

I want to ask if it will be possible to srap from such sources in Kodi 17 ?
In Kodi Jarvis and SPMC 16.5 its not possible.

<path pathversion="1">ftp://user:pass@IP:PORT/?auth=tls/</path>
Streaming media in Kodi is a hook provided in Kodi, but most of the program is built around a personal library that has names that match some meta-database and between that source and your computer, there is an exchange of information. While ftp; file transfer protocol is only a delivery system, so if the file is delivered to a source within Kodi's library, a scrape would be possible, given proper naming. There have been work-rounds in which the filename became a dummy file, at which point scrapers would be able to function, but I haven't seen or heard of these in a long while and expect they are depreciated and most likely in violation of somebody. So anything is possible, it's just a matter of desire, will and knowledge.

In short: not easily, but posters can be added.
I only know its possible to scrap from that second sources, but only if U open the first source right before.
Then U can browse and scrap the second source. When scrap is finished, all Links from second scrap could not be found.
They all broken. Hope this can be fixed in KODI 17. Think its an old issue with those broken links

<path pathversion="1">ftp://user:pass@IP:PORT/?auth=tls/</path>

<path pathversion="1">ftp://user:pass@IP:PORT/|AUTH=TLS</path>

Its very sad b/c my family members cant watch my videos from outside and FTP without encryption is not save through Internet.

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Scrap media from ftps sources0