v16 Music Database - Disc Sets and problems with dsf files
Welcome to Kodi, although middle of the holidays so things are quiet here.

I think if you want Kodi to show the discs in a set separately then you need to include the disc number in the album title. Unless you tag with musicbrainz id tags Kodi uses artist and album title as the unique identifier, so yes all those discs are seen as one album. But why is that a problem? Disc number is used in the track listing etc.

I'm not so sure why Kodi is seeing "3 Cornered Hat" as a compilation, but it could be to do with having both ALBUM ARTIST and ALBUMARTIST tags. I would need to do some testing, and I am unable to do that at the moment (away on holiday). Kodi processes both those tags. Jarvis uses rules other than just "Various Artists" or the COMPILATION tag to determine if an album is a compilation
Quote:v16 ules for determining when album (without mbids) is a compilation
1. album name is non-empty
2a. the songs have different artists
2b. all tracks are marked as part of compilation
3a. a unique primary artist is specified as "various" or "various artists"
3b. we have at least two primary artists and no album artist specified.
Note that this is changed in v17

But from the tags for one track I can not see how that logic could result in the way it is. Perhaps, looking at all the tracks, you can?

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RE: Music Database - need some advice - by DaveBlake - 2016-12-27, 12:12
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Music Database - Disc Sets and problems with dsf files0