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WIP Kodi in home
Hi all
I've been using Kodi / XBMC for many years now, but have only recently created a proper setup, and share experience. My setup and integration below. Comments and suggestions welcomed (as I'm still figuring the best setup, and how I can tweak what I have).

Always running the latest stable builds on each system, so that these will cooperate nicely with the central server.

I have an office / theatre room (apart from the house) setup running Win 10, with Kodi, connected to a large HD screen as the primary screen (or the only one when viewing) and a Creative THX speaker setup (small speakers, as it's not the biggest of rooms). CPU is an i5, 16GB RAM, Nvidia 750TI 2GB GPU (connected via DVI) and X-Fi Elite Pro soundcard connected via fibre from the external breakout box to the external amp.

Bedroom, I have a Raspberry Pi 3 running OSMC, connected to a 40' FHD screen.
The Pi SD card is only a 4GB one. I use the larger 32GB for another OS. I have some external Bose speakers that I might use instead of the TV sound provided via HDMI, but so far this has been okay. I can also control some functions of Kodi vai the TV remote, with signal sent back to the Pi via the HDMI.

Android tablet with Kodi (the tablet has HDMI out if ever there is a desire to use a larger screen).

Lubuntu laptop also running Kodi (but this is rather old hardware)

Android phone, with Kore which can control any of the installations.

Ubuntu office server running MySQL, with a server grade drive for system and others for media storage, provided via NFS. This machine is headless, administered via SSH, Webmin and my own admin sites. i3, 2GB RAM, on-board Intel graphics.

All devices connected to a gigabit switch. Most run GB, with the Pi and old laptop running 100 and the phone and tablet running via N wireless (there is a router / NAS also attached to the switch for ADSL and 4G failover).

Playlists are currently all synced via SQL, and in the process of checking the thumbnail caches on each device to see if / when I'd need to centralise this.

Also looking to use dedicated media drives in the server, as while it doesn't receive too much simultaneous traffic, there are a few virtual machines that sometimes run on there, a web server for development, and shared storage for video editing projects.

Investigate if I can use the EDL feature, and export files directly out of my NLE (video editor) to allow quick previews of possible end products, without having to render them out.

Comments, suggestions on tweaking or updates are welcome Smile
Sounds great. Well planned. Not sure what the editing thing is about? Are you making your own movies?
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@NIckr: Thank you. And the software just works so well! In total, I'm using 4 different OS's for Kodi, and they all play nice. Even connecting via NFS from my Win 10 machine.
And yes. I'm in the film industry and one of the things I do is film and edit video. It's usually just me, but when there are a few more on the editing team, we use the server for central storage. Files are then syn'c via the GB network to a fast external drive for anyone needing. If Kodi would be able to play back files and use an EDL (I read about this in the wiki) so that we could get a feel for what takes and cuts were made. It would save many hours of work per project. So this will be one of the next things I look in to.
Yes kodi can do edls.
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Thank you for the link!
Going to try those with my editing software! Great feature Smile

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