Solved Kodi 17 RC3 - Kodi crashes when listening to music and switch to playlistwindow
Kodi 17 RC3 - Kodi crashes when listening to music and switch to playlistwindow.

i had now crashes in RC3 while listening to music and switch to the playlistwindow

heres the log

seems it doesnt matter which skin, i tested with estuary (which i touth shuld be trustworthy) to.

EDIT: First the Playlistwindow opens as it supposed to, and show the tracks, then it thakes some seconds, and Kodi crash.
I just tried to duplicate, and had no issues (I'm also portable mode). You didn't turn on debugging in settings>system>logging.

Can't find window videoplaylists is the error it probably dies on.
Sadly it wasnt possible to upload the whole debug log on pastbin (do to size restriction) even if Kodi did just run for 2 minutes the log was simlpy to big for pastebin.

starting from the End of the log i did try to include as much lines as pastebin alowd.

so heres what did fit in -> Log

No idea what for this lines are
08:32:43.396 T:3092   DEBUG: GOT ANNOUNCEMENT, type: 2, from xbmc, message OnAdd
08:32:43.396 T:3092   DEBUG: CAnnouncementManager - Announcement: OnAdd from xbmc
but thows are all over the log and make it just to huge. (looks a bit nonsens to me to have 4000! lines + with the same Info over and over), but them are there, so ..

So i took the Time to delete PVR stuff which did look the same + the aboth mentioned repedingly showed two lines.
Now it did fit: Log
I also have crash when playing music by going to playlist.

Steps to reproduce:
Start Kodi, go to music, go to genre (example:pop), context menu (add to playlist), go to next genre (example: rock).

Now, Kodi starts to play the playlist (several thousand songs).

If I try to go to left hand side menu item "go to playlist..." it will start to show the playlist and crash after 2..3 seconds.

It will do this every time if the playlist ist huge.
It will never crash on a small playlist (several hundred songs).

All of my songs are on SMB Networkshare in case this matters (caching/slow read speed/...?)

I have posted ticket & debug/crashlog in TRAC.

At least up to RC2, Kod would also crash going back to playlist since it was updating Weather Icons at that same time. This was due to "download weather maps" setting enabled.

Hower even without any weather plugin, the above mentioned bug with big playlists is still existing in RC3 on my system.
(2017-01-15, 13:11)malansk Wrote: I have posted ticket & debug/crashlog in TRAC.
What ticket number please?
I am currently looking into this issue.
(2017-01-15, 06:08)Rantanplan-1 Wrote: Kodi 17 RC3 - Kodi crashes when listening to music and switch to playlistwindow.
EDIT: First the Playlistwindow opens as it supposed to, and show the tracks, then it thakes some seconds, and Kodi crash.

Can you confirm that this only happens with many items on the playlist i.e. if playlist is small all is OK.
Also is this with a current playist with songs from your music libary (not unscanned items from file view)?
(2017-01-15, 17:43)DaveBlake Wrote:
(2017-01-15, 06:08)Rantanplan-1 Wrote: Kodi 17 RC3 - Kodi crashes when listening to music and switch to playlistwindow.
EDIT: First the Playlistwindow opens as it supposed to, and show the tracks, then it thakes some seconds, and Kodi crash.

Can you confirm that this only happens with many items on the playlist i.e. if playlist is small all is OK.

Confirmed, if i play only an Album everything is O.K. if i play my Singles (fair amouth) and switch then to the playlistwindow it crashs.

(2017-01-15, 17:43)DaveBlake Wrote: Also is this with a current playist with songs from your music libary (not unscanned items from file view)?
Yes all Songs r in the Library.
OK, I can report I have been able to reproduce this issue.
(2017-01-15, 17:39)DaveBlake Wrote:
(2017-01-15, 13:11)malansk Wrote: I have posted ticket & debug/crashlog in TRAC.
What ticket number please?
I am currently looking into this issue.
Could you guys try this test build

I was able to reproduce a similar crash and this build fixes it for me, this build contains a fix by DaveBlake.
Yes, as @jjd says, that is a patched version of v17 RC3 that I believe will fix the crash that happens when you view current playlist with lots of songs in it. Please test and feedback soonest, so it can be included into the next release.
Yes, I can confirm playlist is now working even with 13020 songs added to it.

Thanks for fixing it !

Thanks both for for testing and reporting. Fix will be released in v17 RC4

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Kodi 17 RC3 - Kodi crashes when listening to music and switch to playlistwindow0