Problem downloading onto Firestick
I am having a problem downloading the Kodi app. I will write out the exact steps I have taken.

Initially I made sure "apps from unknown sources" and the other option were both enabled. I then downloaded Es Explorer and added on "" after going to the downloads section on the kodi site and scrolling down to the latest Kodi 16.1 "Jarvis" I clicked the ARM link for android users. (I know this doesn't pop up sometimes) I then went to "more" and "open in browser." Now this is where the problems started. It looks like the link could possibly be broken as it does not download the kodi 16.1 Jarvis. In the download section is only an icon with "mobile-step0.html" so it seems this downloads instead of kodi. Any help would be much appreciated. Thank you
Go here: from a web browser, download the version you want (just tested and links are working). Save the file some where that you have access to it, then navigate to that file from what ever file browser you want and install.
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Problem downloading onto Firestick0