Android MotoZ Force conflict
So, I finally had to bite the bullet. I was forced to upgrade my phone from the Samsung S5 and am now running the Motorola MotoZ Force for work. Now, much to my severe travelling angst and frustration, my direly and desperately needed (and in no way therapeutically mandatory) Kodi for Android won't work!!! I get a lag in the video playback and get absolutely no audio, with and without Bluetooth enabled. I have reset the factory defaults more times than I have flown Southwest Airlines. I have uninstalled and reinstalled the Kodi app from the Google Play store nearly as many times as I've had birthdays. Nothing works!?!? Please, I beg of you, someone give me some words of comfort! Please tell me what I need to do to restore Kodi to my phone. I can't take another 5 hour flight without it!!!

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