Aeon Nox latts multimod skin - music fanart not showing
hi i am on win 10 with jarvis 16.1 and latts multimod , the problem i am having is that when i play music the fanart does not show up and thoughts and advice would be great thanks


This is most likely a skin or addon issue - you need to get the attention of people that know about that skin. That is unlikely to happen here, sorry. I know no-one has replied on the Aeon Nox subforum yet), so I will leave this post here rather than bounce you about further.
hi thanks for your reply , i am woundering if the fanart is set up right on picture 2 , thats why it is not showing on the skin , but if i put in another album like alade all fanart will show i am tried to get the same in both albums but 1 will show fanart and the other will not

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Aeon Nox latts multimod skin - music fanart not showing0