Kaspersky is detecting Kodi 17 as a virus (Risktool.Win32.DelShab.rab)
Hello everybody, I am upgrading Kodi on my Windows 10 and Kaspersky is going nuts about it. I know it has happened before on the beta builds (http://forum.kodi.tv/showthread.php?tid=291414), but it should have been dealt with, right?

Anyway, just wanted to give you a heads up, and am open to possible solutions for this problem.
EDIT: Wrong link...
Thanks for the heads-up, cleaning up false positives is taking a bit of time to resolve.
Yes same with me, i don´t install this version. I have read some threads and they say things like
"False positive, change your virus scanner." "Install a decent protection" and shit like that.
They don´t tell you why they are false positives. We are not talking about some packager who creates
some false positives and things like that. Kaspersky is one of the best AV. The best IMO so calling Kaspesky
and other bad software tells me a lot about kodi team ... sorry my english

You should explain why you call it false positives instead saying shits about kaspersky who surely are way better developers than you
(2017-02-04, 17:29)loljews Wrote: Yes same with me, i don´t install this version. I have read some threads and they say things like
"False positive, change your virus scanner." "Install a decent protection" and shit like that.
They don´t tell you why they are false positives. We are not talking about some packager who creates
some false positives and things like that. Kaspersky is one of the best AV. The best IMO so calling Kaspesky
and other bad software tells me a lot about kodi team ... sorry my english

You should explain why you call it false positives instead saying shits about kaspersky who surely are way better developers than you

If you think security/antivirus companies get their virus definitions right all the time you are mistaken. I have had false positives many times. I fill in the forms on the relevant antivirus/security software website, submit the sample, they test it and correct the definitions.
I'm using Avast and it didn't trigger a false positive, but it's been reliable in other areas and has been triggered previously/. I suspect that some of these anit-virus programs are merely blockers of everything that is not in an exception rule and need to update the rules. Benign software shouldn't trigger this action, unless the AV is just a library of exceptions.
(2017-02-02, 18:30)PatK Wrote: Thanks for the heads-up, cleaning up false positives is taking a bit of time to resolve.

Are you saying that Kaspersky is generating a false positive?
I had the same error with Kaspersky Internet Security 2017
I think the Heuristic in Kaspersky triggered on the Kodi Installer

But KASPERSKY has to fix this error not Kodi as it is a false positive.
Kodi is doing nothing wrong, Kaspersky is just to sensitive in the Heuristics.
If you want to see if kodi is a virus, read the source code.
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I didn't say that it is a virus, of course it isn't and I have no doubt about that Blush. Just wanted to warn the Kodi community that Kaspersky is acting up, before anyone else goes online ranting about it.
Just to add my bit on this - I'm always wary of the "false positive!" claimants and all that, but if you just untick the vcredist during install then it seems to be that file with the problem - so given that's available to get wherever, legit, the likelihood you'd need to let Kodi install it is likely zero anyway.

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Kaspersky is detecting Kodi 17 as a virus (Risktool.Win32.DelShab.rab)0