v17 The movie database language setup

I am using Kodi 17.0 and I have The Movie Database install.

How do we change the language of the movie description?
The default language is English but if I change for french (fr) and click update the description is still in English.

Who can help me?

Thanks. Big Grin
If you change settings (Prefered language) on TMDb scraper and press scan for new content, kodi won't re-scrape all movies again.
This doesn't work for me too, and it makes sense since "scan for new content" wants to find new content.
I had to remove the source, remove the content from library and add it again.
I think this will work for you too.
I can confirm that it still works the same in 2024 - set the language in Settings --> Add Ons --> TMDB --> TMDB settings and then add a new resource and it works. I want to test, if it will also change the language for the old resources, when I select to renew/rescan the sources at the startup.

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