Minix as virtual HDMI for Debian Kodi
I want to use my Minix NEO x6 as a wireless display dongle for a MX16 Debian Kodi laptop....

The Minix should work to ok for this, maybe Mircast/DLNA/Air, depends on the Linux side really...

The question is how to get Linux to cast (efficiently). Casting a file with ChromeCast or VLC is easy... but I don't want to just stream a video, I want to show the Kodi interface. A virtual dual-display monitor over wifi...

Maybe it's just not fast enough to be realistic yet? I saw some work done in this direction in various projects, but with my Linux skillz, it will take a grand effort to make it do anything, and I'd like to know it could end well... is it even possible to end up with a 1080@60 fps? 30? Maybe 720@60? I'd like better for some things but 90% of the time I don't mind a lower res. If needed, I could sometimes connect the laptop directly, or use Kodi from the Minix for dazzles.

I have doubts because after googling a while I did not find anything definite... which was unexpected.

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