Android Nvidia Shield TV Controller Mapping on Kodi 17
Hi there,

I'm stumbling around in the dark trying to find a solution to my problem that I believe should be fairly straight forward. I've installed Kodi, sorted out all my profiles etc and I'm just trying to map a couple of buttons on my controller for some usefulness. The controller itself works great and was immediately recognised as a Nvidia Shield controller by Kodi. I did the initial controller setup which went fine. Once all was good there I went about trying to map a couple of the buttons to do specific tasks, the first of which was to toggle the watched tick on various videos.

Having Googled my head off I found some information regarding joystick.xml and how it should be put inside the keymaps folder within the profile being used. I did this and edited it to suit my needs but nothing happens, I also tried swapping buttons around to see what was going on but the map seems to be getting completely ignored. To that end I though perhaps it was down to being inside my profile so I put it into every "keymaps" folder that I could find to no avail.

I found the Nvidia map inside .kodi/userdata/addon_data/peripheral.joystick/big/long/chain/of/stuff/Nvidia Game controller etc. I then checked which button was mapped to the right thumb click (analogue button) and noted that it was button 10. From there I created a joystick.xml with the following:

    <joystick name="Nvidia Game Controller etc">
      <button id="10">ToggleWatched</button>

As above, I eventually stuck it in every keymaps folder I could find but it made no difference, button 10 was effectively "back" regardless of what I tried.

Am I missing something really daft here? I got the Nvidia Game Controller name from the Kodi.log, I can't remember exactly what it was as I'm running from memory.

Any help would be gratefully appreciated, I've gone through all the FAQs I could find but they aren't very straight forward.
I have install kodi 17 "Krypton" final Releases and the new controller game 2017 on NVIDIA Shield TV not working after it when to sleep !!
Ok this is what I have, any help would be appreciated as I can't get it to work....

<?xml version="1.0" ?>
    <device name="NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Controller v01.04" provider="android" vid="0955" pid="7214" buttoncount="11" hatcount="1" axiscount="6">
        <controller id="game.controller.default">
            <feature name="a" button="0" />
            <feature name="b" button="1" />
            <feature name="back" button="4" />
            <feature name="down" hat="h0down" />
            <feature name="left" hat="h0left" />
            <feature name="leftbumper" button="7" />
            <feature name="leftstick">
                <up axis="-1" />
                <down axis="+1" />
                <right axis="+0" />
                <left axis="-0" />
            <feature name="leftthumb" button="9" />
            <feature name="lefttrigger" axis="+5" />
            <feature name="right" hat="h0right" />
            <feature name="rightbumper" button="8" />
            <feature name="rightstick">
                <up axis="-3" />
                <down axis="+3" />
                <right axis="+2" />
                <left axis="-2" />
            <feature name="rightthumb" button="10" />
            <feature name="righttrigger" axis="+4" />
            <feature name="start" button="6" />
            <feature name="up" hat="h0up" />
            <feature name="x" button="2" />
            <feature name="y" button="3" />
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<joystick name="NVIDIA Corporation NVIDIA Controller v01.04">
<button id="10">ToggleWatched</button>

I've tried various joystick names but nothing works. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Nvidia Shield TV Controller Mapping on Kodi 171