Shelf on Home Screen does not populate, Kodi v17 on Windows 10
According to github, your fix for this issue was committed to the official skin. However, I installed the official skin today for the first time and the issue is back. The Movies and TV Shows shelves do not populate unless I go into Movies section then back out.
(2017-03-19, 16:44)theuser86 Wrote: According to github, your fix for this issue was committed to the official skin. However, I installed the official skin today for the first time and the issue is back. The Movies and TV Shows shelves do not populate unless I go into Movies section then back out.

Hi, whilst it has been merged into master it hasn't been released to the Kodi repository yet. You'll need to wait for 3.0.7 which Jester will release when he has tested and happy with the changes.
Thanks - when do you get such power to push releases to the Kodi repo?
(2017-03-19, 19:43)theuser86 Wrote: Thanks - when do you get such power to push releases to the Kodi repo?

I don't :-) That power lies with Jester and I'm sure we'll get a 3.0.7 when he is happy.

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Shelf on Home Screen does not populate, Kodi v17 on Windows 100
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