v17 Auto refresh rate issue in GPU RGB full mode [solved]

I trying to find the best combination of settings for my system, regarding the RGB full / limit settings. I got an issue with my GPU with RGB full settings and automatic refresh rate change.

I´ve been using this article to study:

According to above page, best solution for watching video material is to have: full (Kodi), full (GPU), full (TV) OR limited (Kodi) , full (GPU), limited (TV). I´m targeting to have system with full, full, full settings. Or the other one is ok also, but GPU should be in RGB full mode.

I´m not very good with Linux, but I was able to change GPU colour space mode through Putty. I used command:
xrandr --output HDMI2 --set "Broadcast RGB" "Full"

I added the line into autostartup.sh script and placed in into /storage/.config/. So after reboot GPU is in "RGB full" mode. I used xrandr --prop to see the present settings.

But when playing video on Kodi, the automatic refresh rate change is not working.

Seems that I´m missing out something here... is there a linux guru here, who could point me into right direction?

The default mode in GPU is "Broadcast RGB" "Video 16:235 pass-through". In this mode the automatic refresh rate change is working.

My system:
Software: Libreelec 8.0
AVR: Marantz NR1506
TV: Samsung UE55H6675STXXE (supports full and limited)

HDMI route: HTPC (HDMI2) -> AVR -> TV

-Thanks for help
LibreELEC uses a patched kernel - you don't need to change anything.

If you want full range disable kodi's "Use Limited Range"
If you want limited range without touching video colors keep the setting "Use Limited Range".
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.
Hi fritsch!

Thanks for clearing this for me. This seems more simple than I thought =)
Yeah - it is :-)

I wrote that kernel patch with exactly that usecase in mind.
First decide what functions / features you expect from a system. Then decide for the hardware. Don't waste your money on crap.

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Auto refresh rate issue in GPU RGB full mode [solved]0