v17 Windows - DTS passthrough issue
Hey there. First post (I think). Not sure this is the right place to post this, but here goes.

Installed a nightlly this weekend and have a strange DTS passthrough issue to report.

Passthrough works fine for items in movies and tv episodes librairies.

Where it does not work, though, is when playing files from the 'Files' menu. Computer processes signal and sends stereo audio to my receiver. This on a file that I have played multiple times on previous versions with passthrough working just perfectly.

Infos that would be pertinent :
Windows 10 64 bit, up to date
Kodi setup file : KodiSetup-20170223-8b422f7459-Krypton, updated from 16.1
Passing audio via HDMI to Vizio TV and from there to receiver via Toslink cable.

Thanks for the great software, been a user since the xbox days. You guys are awesome!

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