Req Use GSOC to increase features around Picture Viewing
I'm missing further picture viewing capabilities in Kodi - especially to
  1. rate pictures (5-star rating system by EXIF)
  2. review pictures (like on a lighttable)
  3. order them into a playlist (eg m3u)

Our Usecase:
My girlfriend and I put all our pictures onto the NAS and would like to manage them like above mentioned on the TV by KODI

There have been some initiatives for enhancing KODI into picture viewing - I hope 2017 the time has come ...


+1 I too would very much like to see all these types of photos browsing plus photo viewing features in Kodi, and for these to function Kodi would need a Picture Library.

For ideas on making this happem checkout the proposal for a Picture Library with VFS support by Garrett Brown (a.k.a. garbear of RetroPlayer fame) from GSoC 2012:

That fell through but he started coding it and the code he did write is still there in several forked branches of Kodi on his GitHub account:

As I wrote here:

As you probably already know, Kodi already have SQL database based Video Library and a SQL database based Music Library, and it is these libraries that uses SQL databases that make the Kodi experince into a real media center.

If Kodi had a database based Pictures Library with picture database VFS (Virtual File System) then you have the potential of making the pictures node just as awersome as the Movies, TV Shows, and Music nodes are in Kodi.

This would need to be a core feature for Kodi (written in C++), and not an Python addon.

If someone first did this groundwork by adding a database based Pictures Library with picture database VFS to Kodi, then others could also look into making an VFS addon each for Google Photos, Flickr, Pinterest, imgur, instagram, etc. as addons for that photo library.

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Use GSOC to increase features around Picture Viewing1