v17 Stalker Client 2.8.3 server error
Greetings to All,

I'm looking for guidance on an issue I'm having with the above client running on an Amazon FireTv stick (gen 2).
I have a 1 month subscription to iks66.tv and have not been able to use to the service. I receive the following error in the Kodi log file when I
attempt to connect\load channels...

(an error indicating that PVR software load failed due to server error)
PVR--GetChannels cannot get channels from client 2125959"
"PVR-Getchannels - addon - stalker Middleware:' returned an error: server error"
In the client config, timeout is set to 120, mac & server address user & pw are pre-verified

I have contacted the vendor and have received sparse info to resolve my issue.
They redirect me to old posts and old info that do not pertain to KODI 17.

I was wondering if anyone in this forum has similar experiences with this vendor and what they did to resolve it
Is anyone using the 2.83. client with success? Is there a way to re-install stalker client 2.8.3 without re-installing Kodi?
I believe my KODI setup is working correctly since I am able to view video content\channels in Oblivion TV using the Sanctuary add-on.

Thank you for your kind attention to my plight!

E.Z. Rider
You won't get support here, my suggestion is to go back to 16.1
Apparently there was something wrong with the account the vendor originally setup which was causing my issues.
My account was reset by the provider using a new mac, device id and signature. Service is working for me now.
Just curious, don't you find the channel video restart after initially switching to it annoying,
Sorry for the delayed reply,I have not experienced the issue you mentioned

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Stalker Client 2.8.3 server error0