Kodi and Netflix buffering.
I'm only running 3.5 mbps (to be fixed soon), but wifi media on Netflix doesn't freeze or buffer while Kodi media seems to buffer, freeze or lose signal enough to just go back to the home screen. Is this because they are 2 totally different platforms?
If you want a useful answer, provide useful details.
Running Kodi on Arch 64bit Linux (Leia 18.9) ,  Android Nougat (Leia 18.9) CoreELEC (S905 community builds Leia 18.9)
When I drive my friends car, it seems to go faster than mine... What could be wrong?

So how about you provide some useful details like...

what version Kodi
what operating system you are using
which add-ons you are using that gives you the buffering problems...
This is not a support forum, this area is meant for serious issues concerning the software Kodi.

Moving to independent o/s, I'll move to a more appropriate forum should you want to pursue this issue. Include a proper debug log (wiki)
(2017-03-28, 23:47)Wally Z Wrote: Is this because they are 2 totally different platforms?

Yes. While Netflix is a paid service content provider, Kodi provides no content whatsoever and is a media player. If you are having buffering issues with your media on Kodi, based on your previously binned thread, the sources that are providing you with content are the problem, so you should ask the creator of the add-on for support on their website. If you are buffering over locally served media that you own, as stated above, you would need to provide a full log file. Just know that if you are running any banned add-ons, they will appear in your log file and you will receive no support. So big thing to take away here is if you are using Kodi to watch streamed content for free that would normally cost you money, you won't garner any support from Team Kodi or any of the seasoned users on this site.
Thanks JxPx. I got your drift.

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Kodi and Netflix buffering.0